Germinating in rockwool


Hey guys, how's it going?

Going to start the grow tomorrow. Going to call it my first grow as I won't be counting my lil aerogarden that I tried last time :lol:

In terms of set up, it will be grown in NFT. Got it all set up ready to go with the 6" rockwool cubes awaiting the smaller inserts. But first I need to germinate in the smaller inserts.

I have a small heated propagator for the job. Should I soak the cubes, pop a seed in and place the rockwool in the prop. till roots start coming out the edges of the small cubes, then transfer them into the full system?

If so does it matter which way the seed goes or is there another way of doing it?

Cheers guys and peace :bigjoint:


Cheers dude, + rep

Barneys Farm LSD and Vanilla Kush. Smoked some of the V/C when I was in A'dam over Christmas and it's a great smoke!