Germinating in AeroFlo 36?

This is my first time using a hydro/aero system. I bought some feminized seeds and I was wondering what the best way to go about germinating them...Can they be germinated directly in the hydroton? Also, at what point do you reccomend adding nutes?


Edit: I read in another thread the following and it seems pretty sound by I'd still like ur guys oppinion,
Take several paper towels and fold them in half to make several layers. Place the seeds in the paper towels. Put the towels on a plate, wet the towel and put it on top of your computer for warmth. Keep the towel wet, but not soaked. Check the seeds after three days and some will have sprouted by then.

Buy a slab of 1" RockWool at the hydro store. Soak then in RO or distilled water.

Once the seeds sprout, put them into the hole in the RockWool cubes. Tear off a corner of one of the cubes and use that to cover the holes. Not tightly ... be gentle.

The seedlings will break through the RockWool in a few days and yer on your way.

Once the seedlings are larger ... say on their third or forth node ... put the RockWool cubes into your netpots with the Hydroton ... then into your hydro unit. That's it."
