germinated seeds in a bag

my buddy gave me 8 germinated feminized seeds.there in a wet towel in a ziplock bag.he said they've been in there for 10 days there pretty long and i wont be home for two more days will they be cool till then or will they die or go hermie or sumn.its probly a stupid question but this guy gets some crazy dank shit an he said they were exotic but didnt know exactly what really like to plan em:confused:


Well-Known Member
so plant them then. i dont know the danger of germinating seeds for 12 days but id say unless the roots look bad they will grow


Well-Known Member
You definitely don't want to germinate the seeds for too long. 10 days sounds like a reaaaaally long time to me. My seeds popped in about 2 days and I put them right in the dirt. There was one I left for a few extra days and was pretty long and sketchy looking when I planted it. I didn't think it would make it... was stunted as crap and all retarded looking for a few weeks, but it's finally caught up to the others and looks great.

Anyway, the moral of the story is - 10 days is probably way too long. If the sprouts have leaves on them already and not just a root sticking out, it's too late.

I'd plant them NOW, and not wait any longer. Like the person above me said, they probably won't make it but if you don't plant them NOW then they definitely won't.