Germinate => Soil...that's it?


Active Member
I haven't had much look searching for this topic (surprisingly) but I've germinated some bag seeds and was just looking at putting some about 1 inch below the soil dispersed in a cornfield.

No extra added nutes, just going off the hope that the corn nutes will be good enough. Anyone think this will work even the slightest? Can't do an indoor.


Active Member
I haven't had much look searching for this topic (surprisingly) but I've germinated some bag seeds and was just looking at putting some about 1 inch below the soil dispersed in a cornfield.

No extra added nutes, just going off the hope that the corn nutes will be good enough. Anyone think this will work even the slightest? Can't do an indoor.
All depends on the weather where you live, i'de say you have a better chance if you water it and give it extra nutes. Also make sure its in a good spot to get quite alot of sun for the majority of the day.