Germinate Outdoor Seeds?

Hello I'm very new to growing outdoors. I was wondering if I have to germinate my seeds before I plant them in the ground with my fresh soil? I know when u grow indoors you have to but not sure about outdoors. Thank you. Any advise will be greatly appericated


Well-Known Member
yes i would, and depending where your at this time of year the sun can be brutal on them youngsters, so maybe put them outside a few hours more a day untill they can handle dont have to germinate before you plant, but it helps i think.


Well-Known Member
let me re phrase that because every seed germinates, i was thinkin the paper towel technique. no you dont have to paper towel the thing first, u can just throw it in the ground and it will grow indoors or out but i always do the paper towel thing


Well-Known Member
I agree, germinate first, the soil is probably cold still so it could take a lot longer if direct seeded.