Germ. Seeds never sprout!


Active Member
I can get my seeds to germinate just fine, but when I plant the seeds in small pots w/ "miracle-grow seed starter soil" they never sprout! They just die. i've gone through 6 "bubblicious" seeds with zero sprouting. HELP!

I keep the top new soil moist and always plant the seed with care.



Well-Known Member
hey bro. i had the EXACT same issue as u for ever. i'd sugest planting them 1/4 inch. also don't watter them alot. water it one time until it sprouts. just try that bro, like i said i was in the EXACT same boat as u. I also get alot more success when i use a light rather then letting them sprout in darkness :D Family guy rules bro. Dat's my nigga
I can get my seeds to germinate just fine, but when I plant the seeds in small pots w/ "miracle-grow seed starter soil" they never sprout! They just die. i've gone through 6 "bubblicious" seeds with zero sprouting. HELP!

I keep the top new soil moist and always plant the seed with care.



Well-Known Member
i say germ them in paper towel until they have a long root tail then put the whole root tail in and leave some of the top poking out and it should go well i got 36 out of 40 to go that way.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Germ them in a wet paper towel folded in a cd jewel case place that in a ziplock then in a draw check once a day to make sure towel is still wet and if seeds poped.Take me usually 48-72 hours to have 1 inch taps.Then you want to plant them in a light mixed soil thats not heavy. I wouldnt use MG potting starter soil its junk if you wann use MG soil use moisture control and mix some perlit in so its air. use a pencil poke a hole in the soil so the top is about at most 1/4 inch below top soil then lightly brush some soil over the seedling and lightly water with ph 6.8 water and put a shop light over the pot as close as it can be.Keep the light as close to the plant as you can it can touch it without any isse. The plant should pop up is 1-6 days keep that light as close as can be on 24 hours a day do not use cfls or an big hid light


Mr I Can Do That For Half
MG moisture control is fine just not any other soil mix..Look at my post for one called New TGA strain it shows some I just germed planted and starting to be hopeful new mothers


Active Member
I'm using MG now(potting mix)works just fine,but when when I transplant I use higher nitrogen base soil(outside).I ger my seeds the same way and hadn't had any problems you might have drowned them and didnt relize it,I use to drown mine and like a d.a. I couldnt figure it out till 2 weeks later.


Well-Known Member
if MG is doing that to ur seedlings.....go with another brand of soil.....even try supersoil(brown bag)...........:joint:


Well-Known Member
i germed my seeds then made about an inch (not even that) hole with my finger in the soil, SPRAYED the soil so it was nice and moist then popped the seed in, then i sprayed it again. i did this with both of my plants and both of the sprouted, make sure u keep the soil damp. you dont even need to water it spraying i find is perfect for getting germed seeds to sprout, i also kept the light on untill they sprouted. try this it worked for me :D. good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
also keep the soil loose above the seed if you dont do that already cos its easier for the sprout to push through if u no wat i mean ;)


Well-Known Member
make sure that the soil is moist and not damp/pouring wet cuz it will drown ur seedlings.....just put some soil in a dixie cup with soil/punch holes at the bottom but not too big just enough so that the water can run off,water the soil and allow the water to run out of the cup and thats all ..when u plant the seed try n put a plastic sandwich bag over the top on the cup ...i try to keep the soil as moist as possible while retaining as much humidity as possible too and as soon as i see a sprout the baggie comes off..............:joint:


Active Member
thanks everyone! My germination has always gone very well. I put them in a paper towel for 3 days and 99% usually turn out.. I think I might be planting them a bit to deep and over watering (big surprise.) I am going to start germ. my seeds tonight. By next Thursday, i will report on how everything goes.

thanks for all your input!


Active Member
Yo Germ them in a moist paper towel. put them in a jar thats light proof and put it somewhere warm. Do not use MG! I personally use supersoil works real well. Add about 1 inch of perlite at bottom of pot and then add the soil. Water the soil thoroughly before putting your seed 1/4 inch in soil. wait about a day and a half and you should have a healthy plant. Remember put the root facing up. and keep a light 24/7