Genetic mutation or intelligent genes?

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Is the DNA code intelligent as fuck, so intelligent as to order and direct the complex machine which is your body, so intelligent as to form the human experience, the brain, the mind, the intellect, the ego and human consciousness? Or is this somehow all just the result of millions of years of genetic mutation? Please share any related knowledge and links.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use the term intelligent, I think complex is more apt. Wiki has a great page on DNA/RNA, and they list their sources for more in-depth study. While dna itself is not 'intelligent', it is the code that can lead to intelligent, even sentient, creatures. Yes, all evidence points to genetic mutation being responsible for all the diversity and majesty of life on Earth. Anything further is simply speculation/masturbation...


Well-Known Member
Time, love, and memory is another good book which may help.

The seven daughters of eve, by Sykes is an interesting take on mitochondrial genetics. It is a fictional account, but interesting nonetheless.