General Hydroponics ferts


Active Member
So I am looking at using general hydroponics ferts (Flora micro / grow / bloom) again for outdoor grow with auto flowers this year.
I am trying for the life of me to figure out this damn dosing chart and it is not making sense to me now.
Can any of you decipher WTF I am supposed to be using for 300 L of water???
If I am reading this right it says Early growth - 4 ml per 3.79L / 5 ml for flora gro / 1 ml of flora bloom so that should make a ppm of between 550-700
I am sure we were using close to 2000 PPM (Trouble of trying it on your own this year, no supervision) so with said above formula that would translate for 300 L to = 300 L /3.79 L = 79.16 * 5 ml Flora gro = 395.78 ml Flor agro / 79.16 * 4 ml = 316.64 Ml Flora Micro / 79.16 * 1 = 79.16 ml Flora bloom. Is that right? any suggestions.

Does anyone use anything other for outdoor they would recommend? (Keep in mind I am mixing roughly 300 - 400 L of water each time)

Just want to make sure I do this better, last year was ok but t was not great.
I see there is plenty of folks on here who have the know how and I am going to ask for it, please and thank you in advance.
I agree with Budzbuddha, Maxibloom is a great nutrient and easy to use since it's a single part formula. Since you are mixing large amounts, you could also look into Jack's A/B which is quite reasonable in the 25 lb bags.
I second what @Rurumo said. Get a dry fertilizer at large volume from a retailer targeting the professional market. Like, what the farmers buy who grow hydro in large greenhouses.

That is vastly cheaper than buying the nutrients from e.g. GH (they're not bad, but expensive).

Any 20-10-20 (ish) water soluble fertilizer should do it. You'll pay maybe $40 max for a 25 lb bag which will last you forever.
or next time run GH Maxibloom ( front start to finish ) powdered . It literally made life much easier ( 700-800 ppm ) ph adjust , that’s it.

I like the sound of that but (Sorry for this) that you say from start to finish. umm but is it not only for flower stage? Do I need to add other stuff?
Can I use with seedlings? and early growth?
Sorry for all the questions but I don't want to screw things up even more then I am already.

I like the PH balance part and that's it. I don't want to have to add anything more if I don't need to but I want the best possible options to have best results for my outdoor bunch. (allowed to grow up to 19 plants per my medical permit for self use) so I want to make damn sure I get more then last year ( 12 plants turned into 10 and that worked out to about 5 LBS.... not very good - bad choice on strains and time lines plus probably not right ferts and frost tagged them because dummy me put them out right after May long).... I need all the wisdom you folks have to offer.
I forgot to ask / add - I only water / feed once per week as I let mother nature look after rest.
I agree with Budzbuddha, Maxibloom is a great nutrient and easy to use since it's a single part formula. Since you are mixing large amounts, you could also look into Jack's A/B which is quite reasonable in the 25 lb bags.

I was just looking at the Jacks a/b formula cost and it is very reasonable and as you mention when mixing large amount like I need it might be the better choice. Can I ask so if I understand correctly mix it part a and part b separately then combine in main tank and as long as it does not cloud over I can fire up pump and water away from day 1 to end of flower stage minus 2 weeks of water to flush?
I was just looking at the Jacks a/b formula cost and it is very reasonable and as you mention when mixing large amount like I need it might be the better choice. Can I ask so if I understand correctly mix it part a and part b separately then combine in main tank and as long as it does not cloud over I can fire up pump and water away from day 1 to end of flower stage minus 2 weeks of water to flush?
I do see some people mix them separately here, I'm not sure if you need to do that. I mix the part A in very well first, then just add the B (calnit) and mix that in afterwards, and I don't get any precipitate. I just use about 1 5 gallon bucket per day, so I'm not sure how long a batch of mixed nutrients will last, but I assume you would probably need to mix a fresh batch weekly, but keep in mind the PH will drift so that will need to be adjusted regularly. Other people who run large rez's can jump in and help you out with that specific info.
I do see some people mix them separately here, I'm not sure if you need to do that. I mix the part A in very well first, then just add the B (calnit) and mix that in afterwards, and I don't get any precipitate. I just use about 1 5 gallon bucket per day, so I'm not sure how long a batch of mixed nutrients will last, but I assume you would probably need to mix a fresh batch weekly, but keep in mind the PH will drift so that will need to be adjusted regularly. Other people who run large rez's can jump in and help you out with that specific info.

Not storing anything I need about 300 - 400 L every week as I only water once per week and let mother nature do rest. Up till now i just mix on day of adjusted PH and went with WTF I had and it was not so great growth as I hoped for.
Thank you for advice on mixing and I will look into that.
less than 100-200 ppm once a week with straight waters in between at the start. Go light and ramp it up. I never even come close to 30% of their recommended mixing rate in soil unless it is poor. You never said the quality of your soil.
GH has charts for ALL their products and everything is listed in ml/gal, all you have to do is scale it up to meet your needs. Shouldn't be that hard.

Also probably not the best product line to use if you want "mother nature" to do her thing; GH products are pure science and are hardly "natural". Great stuff IMO still, but not the route I'd go for "natural".
Also probably not the best product line to use if you want "mother nature" to do her thing; GH products are pure science and are hardly "natural". Great stuff IMO still, but not the route I'd go for "natural".
All mineral fertilizers are "pure science" (at least there's usually no "bro science" in it). And most of our food is grown with pure science (and sunlight).
less than 100-200 ppm once a week with straight waters in between at the start. Go light and ramp it up. I never even come close to 30% of their recommended mixing rate in soil unless it is poor. You never said the quality of your soil.

Thanks for info / idea. Soil is 6.5 PH mix of Grow mix # 4 plus some sand and WTF the ground is made of @ location mostly clay and some top soil with a bit of sand due to location, I worked it all in and added worm castings to last batch so there should be some of that well mixed in also.
i managed to do hydro with 20-20-20 calmag , 15-30-15 and sulphuric acid but it was very hard to get it right i recommend maxibloom as others have said
You can get 50# of maxibloom for $224. That's a lot of growing and nothing else needed
$224 for 25kg is about 3 times as much as you pay for any high quality hydroponics fertilizer for "professional" (i.e. commercial, large scale) use.

If you're willing to buy that much, it's a bad idea to go to any of the companies that target the Cannabis (or home-grower) market in any way (including Jack's and Masterblend). These manufacturers don't do anything different than the large companies like Yara, they just charge triple and get away with it.

$4 per kg is about the maximum of what you should be willing to pay for a hydro fertilizer if bought in bulk.

(All of which is not to badmouth the General Hydroponics products. The stuff is super high quality, just too expensive for what it is.)
$224 for 25kg is about 3 times as much as you pay for any high quality hydroponics fertilizer for "professional" (i.e. commercial, large scale) use.

If you're willing to buy that much, it's a bad idea to go to any of the companies that target the Cannabis (or home-grower) market in any way (including Jack's and Masterblend). These manufacturers don't do anything different than the large companies like Yara, they just charge triple and get away with it.

$4 per kg is about the maximum of what you should be willing to pay for a hydro fertilizer if bought in bulk.

(All of which is not to badmouth the General Hydroponics products. The stuff is super high quality, just too expensive for what it is.)
This is typical half truth bs forum speak.
Have you priced and calculated the cost of using GH Flora Series when purchased in 200 gallon totes?
This is typical half truth bs forum speak.
Sure, and what you wrote is well-researched and thought-through.

I have done a fair bit of research of fertilizer prices, and that is fertilizers that I can actually purchase and get home-delivered.
Have you priced and calculated the cost of using GH Flora Series when purchased in 200 gallon totes?
  1. Where do you buy 200 gallon totes of GH Flora? The largest container I've found, that I can actually buy, is 10 L at more than €5 per L.
  2. 200 gallons are, if I correctly understand the archaic units of the US, about 750 L. I was talking about buying 25 kg (1/30 of that amount). No home grower needs 750 litres of concentrate.
  3. You need 3-5 times as much GH Trio fertilizer (by weight) to get to the same nutrient level compared to a dry water soluble product.
    So we're actually not even comparing the price per gram/litre here. You would have to triple the price of the liquid GH products before making a fair price comparison.