General Grow Question


Just got two things i was curious about hopefully i can get some feedback!

1) My seedlings just sprouted this morning,anyone disagree with using Miracle Grow Liqua Grow in about 2 weeks in to my indoor grow? Just a basic all purpose plant food in liquid form im you everyone knows what is is.

2)Curious bout some seeds i was gonna order and this might sound stupid,but i wanted to get some indoor seeds and this site im on has some good package deals with 2 diff seeds (5 each) and a grow kid for around $70 which i might jump on cus its a decent deal.Sorry let me get to my point lol im gonna want to grow indoors but when season comes back im gonna wanna grow outdoors as well.Can i buy indoor seeds and plant them outside and vise versa?....just curious,thanks!


Well-Known Member
i thought seeds were seeds certain strains may be better for growing out doors then others but i think seeds are seeds, that miracle grow will work but if ur growing indoors and spending money on lights fans tents w/e then you may as well push the boat out and spend 10£ on some canna a+b or a similar base nutrient


Active Member
Just got two things i was curious about hopefully i can get some feedback!

1) My seedlings just sprouted this morning,anyone disagree with using Miracle Grow Liqua Grow in about 2 weeks in to my indoor grow? Just a basic all purpose plant food in liquid form im you everyone knows what is is.

2)Curious bout some seeds i was gonna order and this might sound stupid,but i wanted to get some indoor seeds and this site im on has some good package deals with 2 diff seeds (5 each) and a grow kid for around $70 which i might jump on cus its a decent deal.Sorry let me get to my point lol im gonna want to grow indoors but when season comes back im gonna wanna grow outdoors as well.Can i buy indoor seeds and plant them outside and vise versa?....just curious,thanks!
Get some real nutrients otherwise you will be on here whinning about burning your plants up lol trust me miracle grow is shit.get some jacks classic or another reputable nute.miracle grow causes horrible salt build up and will definetly burn your plants.You should water with plain ph'd tap water for a couple weeks anyways.your seedlings dont need nutes until they eat all your soil has.And there is no such thing as an indoor strain all plants can be grown inside but some are smaller than others for space saving reasons and a good seed bank will have all height details and yield potential on each strain.good luck


Just got two things i was curious about hopefully i can get some feedback!

1) My seedlings just sprouted this morning,anyone disagree with using Miracle Grow Liqua Grow in about 2 weeks in to my indoor grow? Just a basic all purpose plant food in liquid form im you everyone knows what is is.

2)Curious bout some seeds i was gonna order and this might sound stupid,but i wanted to get some indoor seeds and this site im on has some good package deals with 2 diff seeds (5 each) and a grow kid for around $70 which i might jump on cus its a decent deal.Sorry let me get to my point lol im gonna want to grow indoors but when season comes back im gonna wanna grow outdoors as well.Can i buy indoor seeds and plant them outside and vise versa?....just curious,thanks!
I would advise against using MG as the salt build up occurs during fruiting, which is the worst possible time for it to occur. I like Botanicare pure grow / bloom one part or three parts GH or 3 part Advanced Nutrients. either or, not together.

As for the seeds, indoor seeds do not do well outdoors but outdoor seeds can go either way. Most "indoor" seeds are either sativa equitorial varieties or long growing daylight regions that northern climates cannot produce but indoors we can recreate any environment and thus grow any plant.
There's nothing wrong with miracle grow. Not really the best stuff the flour with. If you're going to give the nutrients it two weeks, I would go like 1/8 or 1/16 strength. When they're that small. You can really burn fast.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I agree wholeheartedly with DirtDigger. While it may not be the the "preferred" nutrient in the world, millions of people have used MG, making it the most recognized name in the industry. I started out with Peters (same thing), and decimated my first crop with it. I learned, albeit the hard way.
You can grow outstanding pot with it, IF you use it at at most 1/4 strength. For seedlings, I'd go with a really weak dilution (1/8 to 1/16) and 2 weeks seems a bit soon.
I'm gonna assume you're in soil, and that you bought Miracle Gro soil (or some other over the counter brand). Most commercially available potting soil has nutrients in it. Gotta factor that into the equation.


Active Member
when your seedlings have eaten(shriveled brown) their round leaves(cotyledons) they will begin eating the nutes in your soil
when your seedlings shed their node with 3leaves, they will begin to require nutrients
if you have no prior experience with miracle grow, then i suggest you try something else and grow out a tomato plant with the miracle grow

as to seeds....meh


Well thanks everyone i appreciate the feedback! I bought just some regular MG potting/starter soil that i usually use and never had a problem wit.I heard from a few people that this MG liqua feed is pretty good nutrients wise after a few weeks of growth so thats what i bought and was wondering if anyone has used it before.

Whats with all the salt build up in MG a couple of yous mentioned? I had no idea lol

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The simplified explanation is that MG is NPK salts that dissolve quickly. The plants use the NPK and other nutrients, leaving the salts behind in the soil. These salts build up with chemical nutes and can get to toxic levels in a potted plant scenario.