GeekBeast newest GIVEAWAY (Instagram): July 25th-August 25th; Prize: MonsterBoard Pro 2400


Well-Known Member
Instagram: @geeklightofficial
Youtube: GEEKLIGHT official

Hey, my dear led growers! The GeekBeast newest giveaway is going on, feel free to entry everyone.:clap: :hump::leaf:

: MonsterBoard Pro 2400
: July 25th - August 25th

Follow rules:

1. Like & @ three friends in comments
2. Repost this post with hashtag #geeklight #monsterboardpro2400
3. Tag @geeklightofficial in the post

Notice: The more posts you post, the better chances you get to win. Winner picked from followers randomly.:D
Winner pls unboxing and show the #monsterboardpro2400 on your page & tag us to check out.(:

The winner will be announced on August 25th. Good luck to you all!!!❤❤❤

For more product related information, you can go to and www.geek-light.comgiveaway--2--INS.png
I tried to do this right. I dont quite have the hang of Instagram. I dont know that I did it right but I know I shared it!

Instagram: @geeklightofficial
Youtube: GEEKLIGHT official

Hey, my dear led growers! The GeekBeast newest giveaway is going on, feel free to entry everyone.:clap: :hump::leaf:

: MonsterBoard Pro 2400
: July 25th - August 25th

Follow rules:

1. Like & @ three friends in comments
2. Repost this post with hashtag #geeklight #monsterboardpro2400
3. Tag @geeklightofficial in the post

Notice: The more posts you post, the better chances you get to win. Winner picked from followers randomly.:D
Winner pls unboxing and show the #monsterboardpro2400 on your page & tag us to check out.(:

The winner will be announced on August 25th. Good luck to you all!!!❤❤❤

For more product related information, you can go to and www.geek-light.comView attachment 4952822

#geeklight #monsterboardpro2400

Very nice light. Please add me!

Hey guys check it out @sc.biker @hotrodharley @go go kid
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