Geek Greens Frist Grow.

Geek Green


Hey Geek Green here, let me first get the tech. stuff out ofthe way, and tell folks what I amworking with.


I set up a 4’x4’ growroom (give or take a 1” or 2”) hehehe.


Got a quantum dimmableballast 1000w 750w 500w, an eye hortilux 1000w HPS bulb, Light is set on 750w at approx.13” 24/7.

Air Flow:

6” cool tube hood w/wingand a 425cfm inline duct fan (set midway the low setting) with a carbon filter and speed control. Fan pullsthrough tube to vent heat from light to outside and pulls fresh air in door vent. 10”stick fan moves air inside grow room.


Water ph. is 3-3.5 out of the tap ph. is 6.5-7 when I add ½tsp. baking soda. As for soil I went with a soilless mix 1/3 peatmoss 1/3 Perlite 1/3 Vermiculite.In 16 and 20oz solo cups to start will transplant to 3gal. Grow bags to finish.(I know I need lime to ph. soil but I don’t have any sorry)


Miracle-Gro.30-15-15 for veg. and Miracle-Gro.15-30-15(sigh if I get that far) and super thrive All given at ¼ and 1/2strength.


Some Killer bag seed that I named after theguys I got it. Aka. Killer Duck, Derwood’s Dream and The ounce that I started first.Also said what the hell and ordered some lemon Kush, afghan Kush and THC Boomthat are just breaking the soil.

Now all that is out of the way, Let me justsay HEEEEEEELP! I am a first time grower I mean a new born babe in the ways ofthe Green a true Geek (pun intended). And I am sorry to be so long winded, but I know how you guys likedetails. And so do I in fact I am looking for some really detailed replies.Because I don’t think my babies are looking well, I will post some photos andsee what the pro’s think.




Active Member
Light looks a little close might want to start them with less power. Be careful with the nutes don't need to be fed that much when so young. Might want to look into something other than miracle grow.

Geek Green

Thanks for the reply; I moved my light up to about 24”. Iwould like to hear what you think of the rest of the room, do you think it willbe ok as it is. And as for the nutrients M-grow is all I have and I am ok with itfor this grow (I know many repent the very thought), I would like to get betternutes or go organic later. But where I am at now is. Lol overspent on my other gear to set up. I triedto get quality gear and seeds for my first run. I also see looking at my postphotos that I put to many ones that look the same. I will repost later withbetter ones; I mean close-ups so maybe someone can tell what I am doing wrong. Thanksagain for the tip on the light.
, Geek Green

Geek Green

ok here are the photos I said I would post. come on folks can I get some feedback plz(can you help a brother out).20130505_190348.jpg20130505_190450.jpg20130505_190356.jpg20130505_190404.jpg20130505_190412.jpg20130505_190421.jpg20130505_190436.jpg


Active Member
To me it looks like to much light and to much feeding. What kind of soil did you use? Please don't say miracle grow lol. How often are you watering. You may have hot soil meaning nutes in it or time released. If that is the case and you decided to feed with 30-15-15 which is already way to strong for your babies then you have a problem. Looks like you fried your plants. How hot is it in your grow at the top of plant level? I use dyna grow and dyna bloom nutes. If you just spent all that money and have all those babies do yourself a favor and get something else. You are about to invest a lot of time in this adventure. You need to not feed your plants and just water and make sure you get good run off. I would have my light 24" and at the lowest setting until they get bigger. Also you got a fan booing good air circulation?


Active Member
So when I start plants in soil I do not feed for around the first 4 weeks. I use fox farm ocean forest which has nutes already. After that I start my veg nutes which is 7-9-5 at quarter strength and do a water water feed. I water around 3 times a week in a 2gal smart pot. As the plants get bigger and demand more it goes to half strength maybe every other water etc. hope that helps.

Geek Green

Let me just say out of the gate, Thanks for the reply bro.
1) Q: What kind of soil did you use, how often are you watering?

A: for soil I went with a soilless mix 1/3 peat moss 1/3 Perlite 1/3 Vermiculite in 16 and 20oz solo cups to start all cups have 5 drain holes and 1” of pea gravel for drainage. : Water ph. is 3-3.5 out of the tap ph. is 6.5-7 when I add ½tsp. baking soda, Applied every 4-5 days. But I only fertilize them every other week at half strength.

2) Q: what is temp at plant top level?
A: night 60-70 Day 75-80

3) Q: Do you have a fan for good air circulation?
A: yes I think so have a 10” osculating fan inside room.
I have to water to day but am going to use only ph. water. I have already moved my light to 24” like you said, and I am going down on my watts from 750 to 500 that is as low as it will go. Thankfully the new seedlings I started look ok for now. I am glad of that because they are the store bought seeds. I will post some photos of them when they are bigger as they have just popped the ground good. Thanks again cousin. and if you or others have any more knowledge to share on what I may be doing wrong. I am all ears.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think you're loving them to death right now - back off on the nutes and keep the light where it's at now and see what happens... I have a feeling they'll perk up if you take a more hands-off approach and let them recoup for a few.

It's really easy to over-care for them at this stage in their life, especially as a novice grower.