Garden Notices


Well-Known Member
Hey guys quick question. Im curious as to what paper work I should have hanging on the outside of my fenced garden incase the boys decide to show up. I have my scripts in a binder and a sign for any helicopters reading that its a medical garden but I've seen pictures of other gardens that have various notices posted outside or on the fence of the garden. unfortunately they pictures didn't really offer much help as to what those notices were. any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I make copies of my recommendation, seal them plastic and staple them on the fence. I make a note on them saying the original is inside the house. Might not be necessary but it could help if I'm visited by LEO, couldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
A sighn For helicopters? I'm pretty sure they laugh at that haha.
I'd just have your script ready or have them all in a binder. Ready to show.

up in the mountains where I'm at there was some cartel guys growing and pretty much fucked it up for all the growers out here so we all use some type of medical identification so they know we aren't associated with them. they flew over my neighbors house and the wind turbulence ripped his plants to shreds because they couldn't identify his garden as a medical one.


Well-Known Member
up in the mountains where I'm at there was some cartel guys growing and pretty much fucked it up for all the growers out here so we all use some type of medical identification so they know we aren't associated with them. they flew over my neighbors house and the wind turbulence ripped his plants to shreds because they couldn't identify his garden as a medical one.
That would really piss me off they can't tell my 50 plants are medical

And the hillside covered with 1000s are cartel?
Sometimes 10s of thousands?

Next to my friends spot up there last year they found 40,000 plants it's just ridiculous how much they put in.
Of course just in the national forest so they hacked them didn't arrest anyone.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
That would really piss me off they can't tell my 50 plants are medical

And the hillside covered with 1000s are cartel?
Sometimes 10s of thousands?

Next to my friends spot up there last year they found 40,000 plants it's just ridiculous how much they put in.
Of course just in the national forest so they hacked them didn't arrest anyone.
I've heard to take pics and report flyovers under 500ft.