Garage drying - Temperature


Greetings all, happy holidays and the new year! I was curious as to if anyone had input or experience in the subject title?
I have a wooden closet with basic insulation in my garage which is also insulated to an extent. Consistent inside cabinet temp hovers between 39-55 F depending. I have a small fan I manually turn on/off when I remember - too control humidity which hovers 42%-62%; it is also dark inside closet (when the door is closed).
My question, as this is my first run with this setup will this effect the quality of product due to the colder temps not allowing the chemical changes that is ideal in the 60-70 F range? I understand that it'll take longer to dry just was curious as to quality.
Greetings all, happy holidays and the new year! I was curious as to if anyone had input or experience in the subject title?
I have a wooden closet with basic insulation in my garage which is also insulated to an extent. Consistent inside cabinet temp hovers between 39-55 F depending. I have a small fan I manually turn on/off when I remember - too control humidity which hovers 42%-62%; it is also dark inside closet (when the door is closed).
My question, as this is my first run with this setup will this effect the quality of product due to the colder temps not allowing the chemical changes that is ideal in the 60-70 F range? I understand that it'll take longer to dry just was curious as to quality.
Cold is not a bad thing. Imo, as long as you have air movement, and your humidity isnt too high, a long slow dry is really nice. I have played around with temps( drying indoors) going down to 55° with 60-65% rh,and ime, cooler temps is what you want and some of my smoothest and tastiest herb, has been dried this way. Taking about 2 weeks to dry
I grew a couple plants outside strictly for seed production last summer, and about a month before harvest, I noticed aphids. Fearing bringing aphids while drying to my indoor, I was forced to dry in my unheated barn. And man did we get high humidity and rain those weeks. In the 40's and really wet. I thought for sure those plants would mold all to hell and ruin my seeds. I placed a 60w bulb above them( i thought a little bit of heat would help since it was so rainy and cold) and I placed a fan 15ft away on the lowest setting. I had zero problems and after a few weeks, i was able to collect my seeds. Very minimal mold, just the tiniest amount on a few of my seed bracts.
I would skip the light bulb in your case, keep your humidity in check and try and get a little air movement in there. You should have some fine smoke.GL
Well that is a very promising reply. They were in cabinet for 15 days, i just final trimmed and put in jars. Was a bit crunchy on the outside, but seems to be doing just fine in the jars. Burping once a day and moved to my bedroom closet too finish.