Games to Play When High

Which is better when playing video games?

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I love to play video games when im blown and im sure im not alone. Heres a list of all my favorites, i play on pc but all the games listed are available for console

Dues Ex *5/5*
An amazing RPG as well as a thrilling shooter, the player gets to make choices in how he advances in the game. This 12 year old game has everything you need to stay entertained. Focuses on many conspiracies.

Half-Life 2 *4/5*
In my opinion the best shooter out there, although you quest on a linear path there are surprises at every corner. When your not shooting enemies or driving around your modded vehicle your solving somewhat challenging puzzles. For the full experience don't forget to play Episodes 1 and 2.

Silent Hill 2 *4/5*
MUST PLAY WHEN HIGH. This game trips me the f*** out its story will suck you into the silent hill dimension and you wont want to leave. Gameplay revolves around finding quest items to go further and either staying clear of monsters or defeating them with your weapon of choice.

Silent Hill 3 *4/5*
As Heather the female protagonist (yes you play as a girl) you find yourself in a world of nightmares. Very similar to Silent Hill 2 although better graphics and many extras. Turn the lights of smoke a jay and take this chick on a demonic adventure through torn down buildings with monsters and strange characters.

Fallout 3 *4/5*
Every gamer/stoner should have played this gem by now. As a young adult you escape from vault 101, underground vault safe from radiations and the dangers of the post apocalyptic wastes, to find your father. You are free to roam the wastes and build/level up your character to your liking. Every player experiences it different, there is so much to do.

Fallout New Vegas *5/5*
If i had to keep one game it would be this one. Now with 4 add-ons that add new areas and quest New Vegas has never been so fun. It will take you 300hours+ to explore everything and with the GUN RUNNERS ARSENAL you will always have new weapons and mods to work with. The ultimate modern RPG.

Other notable games i enjoy, Call Of Cthulhu, GTA San Andreas, Castlevania for GBA, and megaman games.
Share your favorite games make some suggestions, also which would you say is better to smoke when playing games, Indica or Sativa?