G13 Haze x Great White Shark


My first journal grow will be using the following:
14x34x48" Mylar Lined Cabinet
150w HPS
140w CFL Mixed Spectrum 2x 26w 6500k + 2x 23w 2700k + 1 42w 2700K
290w Total. ( Doubt I'll even come close to 290 grams at harvest time but will be happy with 2.5 oz.. preferably more... like 3.5-4 oz's would be nice but not likely)
2x 4'' vents with two heavy duty muffin fans ( 1 mounted at the top exhuast and one blowing onto plants directly. Intake vent on floor and 1 small fan that runs during the night)
Temp = 77-81 F
Humidity 30%

Soil Mix Consists Of 1/3 Used Sterilized Soil.
1/3 MG Potting Mix - I dislike MG but it's all I had this time.
1/3 Mix Of Topsoil(Cutting Soil To Help Dilute MG Nutes)
Added a good amount of Perlite

Three Plants From Seed:
2 In 3gal Pots, 2 SSH still waiting to be sexed and added (if both are fems I'll use the best looking one)
1 GWS x G 13 Haze ( This is not a breeding project since I don't have that knowledge. I just crossed a frosty G13 male with a really frosty GWS fem)
1 G13x Unknown(free unmarked seeds with a previous order)
Hopefully 1 fem SSH x SSH (have two growing waiting to show sex)
Oct 26 G13 Haze crosses popped
Nov 21 SSH popped

Topped one plant above 8'th node and other plant at 10th(Kept clones of both)
Bent over and LST'd onto a screen
Nov 18 went to 12/12 started showing sex after 9 days
Currently wk4 flowering
GH 3 part flowering - fed once at wk2
Will start feeding at wk5 with feed water water schedule and diluted since slight burn was noticed after the first feed which has subsided.

Other than that slight burn from the first feed I've not had any problems... yet
I had the plants lighting from 6pm on to 6am and over a period of 4 days changed the lighting to 9am on to 9pm off. I don't know if the moon affects the plant in anyway but I figure it's use to the moons gravity and would be more natural feeling while the lights were off. This gives me more time during the day to mess with them and open the door so some natural sunlight gets in. I was a bit nervous doing that but I didn't notice any negative effect. I saw new growth every day and they have seem'd happy since.

A G13 Haze male and GWS fem were saved and I seeded them after a bad outdoor start. They were under 24hrs light and placed outside early summer and started to flower and then went back to veg. The were really stunted and beat up by weather and animals. So I dug them up, brought 'em inside and forced them to do the dirty after they came back healthy. I noticed heavy crystal production early on in both strains. Also, with the BS they survied through, it told me they were a "hearty" strain and it was still greeeat smoke. WTH, I figured I would roll the dice and see what happens with the beans, which is what I'm using now.

The SSH cross was from two SSH that got planted outdoors and weren't sexed. By the time I got to them they were already seeded. That also was very, very nice smoke. I know crossing like this is likely to weaken the potency but I hope it's still better than typical 10-14% THC strains around here.

Besides the seeds were not cheap. Not complaining... not over priced or anything....

Pic1 shows G13 Haze bent over and two GWS fems that were saved n bred. The GWS on the right is the one that got seeded. No pics after bringing them home and re vegging, flowering, and then seeding them. They turned out good though.

Pic2 is the unknown seed that was part of a free 5 pack given with the purchased GWS, G13 Haze, SSH seeds
That grow, not enough light was on it so the nugs were a bit fluffy but nice looking and smoked decent. The cross with this plant showed crystals about 1week later than the G13 Haze X GWS but much sooner than the plant did before crossing it with G13.
The rest are from the current grow minus the SSH.

I am new to indoor growing(3rd grow) and have been growing outdoors for 15+ yrs without any real problems or extensive knowledge.
There is still soo much to learn.... Yes, anyone can likely grow a plant and get something off from it but to get good quality, 1gr per watt and more... that is the desired end result... So far the 150 got me 2oz. This time I'm scrogging/lst, moved the 150w light closer, made sufficient airflow requirements to keep temp below 80F, added cfl's, replaced dirty mylar, and keep a fan on at night(lessons learned) I have 18 main tops with a couple bent over in a 13"x13" screen. I may have over done it.. It doesn't look like much in the pics but it's deceiving. Hopefully not over crowded.
G13Haze Male.jpgUnknown Fem.jpgDSC00633.jpgDSC00636.jpgDSC00630.jpgDSC00631.jpgDSC00632.jpg
Any comments or advice is welcome
Pic updates each weekend. I'll try to get some better pics tomorrow when some daylight is shining through the window.