g.h / bio-buzz/ ionics how to use em


Well-Known Member
hope this helps.

This Lists the BASICS needed to use most readily available Brands (and a few of the extras-- but there ARE more!) and both a weekly schedual (dirt & hydro IF you change the water weekly) and Phasic feeding for bubblers.
Phasic shedules can be followed for soil-- but do not work as well!

Hope this helps!!!

Unless your Nutes specific schedule tells you what to do for sprouting and seedling, you need to cut back on the nutes for that stage BEFORE youconsider it to be "phase one"
Week ONE is NOT as soon as they are sprouted and have leaves! Week one is after they have 4 sets of true leaves---
Start your new seedlings in JUST Ph adjusted water (can use hydrogard & superthrive)
When they get their 3rd set of leaves--add HALF of the amound called for in phase 1 of your phasic schedule--
When they open another 2 sets of leaves (fully!) then add the other 1/2 to bring it to the amount required for "Phase 1" this will greatly reduce the possibility of nute-burn or over feeding...and allows the babies to adjust to the nutes easier.

If growing in Soil, you usually Start flushing (running clear water thru the soil to rince out the un-used nutes) 2 weeks prior to harvest. This is nessisary to force the plant to use it's stored nutes & protiens, that otherwise result in harsh or grassy product.
But flushing also OFTEN results in losing yield; since you will reduce the available nutrients to the plant during the last 2 weeks of growth when the plants usually put on the most weight.
Simply STOP Nuting at whatever week you are at when time to flush.
IF you use the Ememrgency flush method, follow the entire schedule until the plants are ready to harvest.


GH Flora Grow=$10 (USD's)
GH Flora Bloom = $10 (choose hydro blend or soil growing blend!)
GH Flora Micro= $15

Week 1 (rooted clones or 3 leaf-sets on seedlings) : 2.5 ml EACH Grow, Micro & Bloom
Week 2: 5ml Grow + 2.5ml Micro + 2.5ml Bloom
Week 3: 10ml Grow + 5ml Micro + 3ml Bloom
Week 4 until 12/12 : 12ml Grow + 6ml Micro + 3ml Bloom
Week 1 of 12/12 : 6ml Grow + 6mil Micro+10ml Bloom
Week 2 of 12/12: 3ml Grow + 7ml Miccro + 12ml Bloom
Week 3: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 14ml Bloom
Week 4: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 16ml Bloom
Week 5: 2..5 Grow + 7ml Micro + 18ml Bloom
Week 6: NO GROW + 6ml Micro + 20ml Bloom USE UNTIL FLUSH!
Flush 10-14 days before harvesting

Phasic Schedule

This is for the Basic 3-Part General hydroponics nutes
Flora Micro, Flora Grow, and Flora Bloom
There are supplements available, and will be discussed at end of nute schedule.

Day one(seedlings or new clones not completely rooted)
2.5 ml Flora Grow + 2.5ml Flora Micro + 2.5 ml Flora Bloom

Day 7 Add: 12.5ml Flora Grow + 7.5ml Flora Micro + 2.5ml Flora Bloom Per Gallon & Top-off reservoir

Keep at this level entire Grow period
Keep reservoir to fill line of water
ONLY ADD nutes if vegging MORE than 5 weeks

Extra vegging: Add 5ml Flora Grow + 2ml Flora micro + 2ml Flora Bloom ONLY ONCE!

When You go 12/12empty & rinse reservoir, then refill and add
5ml Flora Grow + 7.5ml Flora Micro + 15ml Flora Bloom

DAY 30 add: 1ml Flora Grow

On Day 40 of 12/12--add 10ml Flora Micro + 15mg Flora Bloom

General Hydroponics also makes supplements. These are optional products. Some people swear by them, others report little noticeable difference. Try them if you like; you may see some worthwhile results.

Floralicious: Concentrated bioactive microbial, marine, mineral, and plant extracts. Contributes to aroma and flavor
Comes in Grow and Bloom formula-add 5ml to your current nutes schedule.

KoolBloom: Concentrated additive that makes for bigger and more blooms, increases essential oil production.
Add 1.5 grams during last 2 weeks of bloom

CHI: Foliar spray made from Chitin (a marine extract) Makes the plant insect resistant!
Use ONLY as a foliar spray!!
Use 210ml per gallon throughout Veg & bloom cycleuse only every other week, and stop 3 weeks before Harvest!!

Diamond Nectar: Premium Fulvic Acid allows the plant to break-down and use nutrients more efficiently.
Add 40ml during Veg cycle (only once!) and 40ml during 12/12 cycle(only once!)

Florasheild: Natural microbial enzymes that keep your reservoir clean and aids against fungus & disease.
Add 37ml per gallon during each stage... can also use double-strength to sterilize tools!

Flora Kleen: Used as a pre harvest or emergency flush! Follow bottle directions.

GHBB (Bio-Bizz) OMRI Schedule

Bio- Grow= $16
Bio- Bloom=$16
Top Max Stimulator=$20
Alg-A-Mic (for hydro only) $18


Week 1: 2 tsp Grow
Week 3: Add: 2 tsp Grow, 1 tsp Alg-a-mic, 1 tsp top max, 1 tsp Bloom
Week 3: Add: 1tsp grow, 1 tsp Alg-a-mic, 1 tsp top Max, 1 tsp Bloom
Day 1 12/12: Drain & Refill reservoir
ADD: 3tsp Grow, 3 tsp Alg-a-mic, 3 tsp Bloom, 1 tsp Top Max
Week 3 of 12/12: add: 3 tsp Grow, 3 tsp Alg-a-mic, 4 tsp Bloom, 1 tsp Top Max
Week 5 of 12/12: add : 3 Tsp Grow, 4 tsp Alg-a-mic, 4 tsp Bloom, 4 tsp Top Max
Week 6 of 12/12 add: 1 tsp Grow, 2 tsp Alg-a-mic, 2 tsp Bloom, 2 tsp Top Max
Flush 3-5 days before harvest.

(for sativa’s or plants that have more than 7 week of bloom, continue week 8 by repeating week 6, and again in week 10 if needed)


Week 1: 1 tsp Grow
Week 2: 1 tsp Grow
Week 3: 1 tsp Grow + 1 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 4: 1 tsp Grow + 2 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 5: 1 tsp Grow + 2 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 1 of 12/12 : 1 tsp Grow + 3 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 2: 1 tsp Grow + 3 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 3; 1 tsp Grow + 3 tsp Bloom + 1 tsp Top-Max
Week 4: 1 tsp Grow + 4 tsp Bloom + 3 tsp Top-Max
Week 5: 1 tsp Grow + 4 tsp Bloom + 4 tsp Top-Max
Week 6: 1 tsp Grow + 4 tsp Bloom + 3 tsp Top-Max

(For Sativas or plants that need 7 weeks or more to bloom, continue with week 6 until flush)


Ionics has made their nutes pretty darned simple to use!
With no mixing needed... same schedule for weekly OR phasic feeding.

Also Suggested:

From 3-leaf stage to day 1 of 12/12: Feed Weekly Using 4 tsp per Gallon of IONIC GROW.
It is also recomended (but not nessisary) to also add 2TB nitrozyme and 4tsp Fossil Fuel.

Phasic--same amounts per gallon, once when you fill reservoir, and as needed (not more than 1x weekly) when you re-fill the rez.!

From day 1 of 12/12: feed weekly using 4tsp per Gallon of IONIC BLOOM.
It is also recomended, but not a nessesity, to also add 2TB nitrozyme and 4tsp Fossil Fuel.

Phasic: Day one of 12/12- dump & refill reservoir using same amount
per gallon.. and these amounts when re-filling the rez (not more than
1x a week)

Week 5 of bloom (5 weeks after they actually SHOW): Add 3/4 tsp per gallon of IONIC Boost WITH the 4tsp per gallon of IONIC Bloom.
It is also recomended to also add 2TB nitrozyme and 4tsp Fossil Fuel.

Phasic: Week 5 of Bloom add 3/4 tsp per gallon of IONIC BOOST to
the reservoir ....and these amounts when re-filling the rez (not more
than 1x a week)

FOLIAR FEEDING: IONIC recomends using 1/2 tsp per quart of EACH:
NITROZYME + FOSSIL FUEL in addition to 1/2 tsp of IONIC GROW or IONIC BLOOM as a foliar spray every week


These Suppliments can be added to the above schedules as follows:

"ROOT"= 3/4tsp per gallon in water from time seed planted until has 3
sets of leaves

"GROWTH"= 3/4tsp Per Gallon to All GROW feedings

"BLOOM"= 3/4 tsp per Gallon to all Bloom feedings