furry bastards


Active Member
does anyone know if Raccoons could be a problem to crops ive go to plants in pots in woods surrounded on all side by suburbs and there arent many animals ive found no evidence of any in fact except for the tracks of a racoon (and some sort of large bird i dont recognise) in the sand along a creek bed about 200 yds from my plants. can racoons cause my girls any problems?


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if Raccoons could be a problem to crops ive go to plants in pots in woods surrounded on all side by suburbs and there arent many animals ive found no evidence of any in fact except for the tracks of a racoon (and some sort of large bird i dont recognise) in the sand along a creek bed about 200 yds from my plants. can racoons cause my girls any problems?
The stuff is better than catnip. I think EVERYTHING luvs da weed.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, but chances are your crop will be found if it is surrounded by suburbs... You might want to rethink location don't be a dumbass.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I've never had any problems with the "wash-bears", but I wouldn't rule anything out. They're born mischief-makers. They stay up nights dreaming up new kinds of trouble to get into.

I think my main concern would be that they'll dig up the plants. They're such inquisitive little shits. Be careful what kind of fertilizers you use - if you use fish emulsion, they'll probably dig it up looking for the fish.


Well-Known Member
Some dogs are attracted to all strains. I have two cats that only care about one certain strain. It is wierd to watch. I have seen parrots dive bomb a nice "house plant". I think I have seen almost every species around me go after a plant.


Active Member
thx alot guys oh and ganja i may have not clarified what i meant by surrounded, the nearist house is about a mile and a half away there are suburbs but noones gonna be in them this neighborhoods all old rich people there not concerned with walking about in the woods there too busy on the nearby golf course


Well-Known Member
yea no dout my cat ate a bit of my new clones then he got the munchies ate then whent to sleep lol I wasn't mad cuz at least it was a clone and not my big girls