Funny Halloween Costumes


not me personally, but I will speak for my buddy Kingtrip, as he doesnt visit us here anymore:roll:.... he'll be at voodoo fest in NO all weekend, dressed up as Hunter S. Thompson, (down to the balding crowsnest, shaved that way) several changes of clothing, all Dr. Gonzo originals, and will also be in character with the acid I gave him a few weeks back:lol:.... fuckin awesome!


not me personally, but I will speak for my buddy Kingtrip, as he doesnt visit us here anymore:roll:.... he'll be at voodoo fest in NO all weekend, dressed up as Hunter S. Thompson, (down to the balding crowsnest, shaved that way) several changes of clothing, all Dr. Gonzo originals, and will also be in character with the acid I gave him a few weeks back:lol:.... fuckin awesome!
LOL. that guy is hardcore.

Im not lookin to spend any money. jus somethin homemade


Well-Known Member
I toss random halloween ideas at friends, I'm usually the guy who plays the costumes minimal. If you're creative a tshirt and hat can go a long way.

However, i tend to have more 'out there' ideas for others, deemed if willing. I won't speak for years past but some specifically This year are:
The hulk Hogan - If you can imagine Hulk Hogan merged with the hulk? good times. Yellow spandex, fake handle bar mustache+wig and green skin all over.

Your abusive father - Pretty much same horrible shtick as the hunster s thomson gig, shaving the receding hairline, beard, wife beater and army cargos. The trick
hopefully is the persona played in part.

pikachu - Pikachu hat and yellow tshirt. - more minimal, my style. Less abrasive and what not.


the only cool thing i have done for halloween, (as for costumes).... is several years back, I shaved my entire head, painted my whole skull/face white as a base, and then proceeded with the black paint.... it came out badass, and was the only night in my life i have made small children (quite a few) cry just from looking at me :lol:


Well-Known Member
Every year we have a halloween party. They're a pretty good time. Here are a few pics of costumes from last year.

Edit: I've gone as jesus and my girl was the devil. I was a preacher and she was a school girl. Last year I didn't feal like it but she was a fairy.

