Fungus gnats?


New Member
Hi, new here. I tried to read the "look here first" in this section, but I can't view any of the pictures, anyone know why?

Anyways, I have these flies coming out of my rockwool, I think they are fungus gnats? Anybody know a way to get rid of them? Never had this problem before.



Well-Known Member
use hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray the rockwool to kill the eggs that live within the first couple inches. The peroxide will dissolve into h20 which is fine for the MJ.


New Member
I have a sticky trap.

Can I use household hydrogen peroxide? I was thinking to mix it in the water and water the plants with it.

I don't see how they can even live in fertilizer solution, is it possible?


Well-Known Member
3%, sorry i forgot to say, and you dont even have to dilute it if your spraying it, ive never tried pouring it in there..


New Member
So 3% is household hydrogen peroxide? Just spray it undilluted on the top of the rockwool? The thing is I have covers on the tops, the gnats seem to fly out of drain holes on the bottom of the pots.

Can someone else confirm this is safe?


Well-Known Member
I rinse with hydrogen peroxide all the time when i brush.. its good stuff lol, but get some better opinions first.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure 3% is typical, it will also say 3% on it, if not, its probably not, look at the ingredients.


New Member
I searched "fungus gnats in rockwool" and can't find a single person that recommends peroxide, so I'm hesitant to do that especially since I only have household peroxide and don't know the proper dillution to use it.

How do I apply the neem oil to the rockwool? I'm using loose rockwool in 1gal pots. I have covers on the tops, although they aren't going to keep the gnats out, just the light. The gnats seem to be coming out of the drain holes on the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are usually because the medium isnt drying in between waterings. I only know soil, and even that is limited, but I wonder what those fungus gnats are feeding on in rockwool. I started using BTi as a soil amendment but im unsure how that would do in rockwool.


New Member
They feed on fungus, that's why they are called fungus gnats, lol.

Where the drain holes are in the pots, is where the slimy fungus grows, because it get's light and stays the wettest, I guess. It's never been a problem before, I've had fabulous results with this container and medium.


New Member
I heard cinnamon mixed with your soil works, so I sprinkled some in the saucers the pots are in. It smells good also. I have a container with some soapy water, hopefully they will take a bath in it and I have one yellow sticky fly trap hanging. If they persist in a few days, I guess I'll go buy some neem oil. Hopefully they sell it at Home Depot.


Active Member
For soil what i did is get some construction sand and just put a tiny layer after i watered my plant! and it worked just fine!!! that way when they try to come out they get shredded by the sand!! never saw these little buggers again! but not sure about rockwool!


New Member
Dude....I have about a liter of 3% h202, that's not the issue. The issue is nobody seems to be able to tell me what the proper dilution rate is to use it. How much 3% household hydrogen peroxide per gallon? How will this kill the gnats if the nutrient solution doesn't even kill them?


Well-Known Member
Dude....I have about a liter of 3% h202, that's not the issue. The issue is nobody seems to be able to tell me what the proper dilution rate is to use it. How much 3% household hydrogen peroxide per gallon? How will this kill the gnats if the nutrient solution doesn't even kill them?
Its in the link above that hexthat gave you.


New Member
See what I mean. Nobody seems to want to tell me what to do, which leads me to believe they don't want to be responsible for the aftermath.