Fungus gnats


Well-Known Member
I have tried everything organic I can, I figured out if I take a utility lighter and scorch them on the dirt they do not like it so much. You can smell their sex organs frying up, they smell like burnt hair. This also helps with the larva. I think this is as good as any other organic way.


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Fungus gnats are attracted to overly moist soil l... most issues will better be controlled with longer drying periods between watering.
You can easily control these by use of yellow sticky traps ( adults ) ..... Soil drench of 1:4 parts hydrogen peroxide and water , which kills the larvae laid by the adults . You can also use Mosquito Dunks ( retail ) to kill the little bastards.

Some growers also top their containers with horticulture sand , not playground. To further shield from bugs.
You can also use Captain Jack’s Bug brew ( spinosad ) available at Home Depot or whatever. Can be used thru harvest.

Not as bad as mites ... thank god.
Fungus gnats are attracted to overly moist soil l... most issues will better be controlled with longer drying periods between watering.
You can easily control these by use of yellow sticky traps ( adults ) ..... Soil drench of 1:4 parts hydrogen peroxide and water , which kills the larvae laid by the adults . You can also use Mosquito Dunks ( retail ) to kill the little bastards.

Some growers also top their containers with horticulture sand , not playground. To further shield from bugs.
You can also use Captain Jack’s Bug brew ( spinosad ) available at Home Depot or whatever. Can be used thru harvest.

Not as bad as mites ... thank god.
I have tried the dunks and the organic sprays and tapes And I freeze the soil first.
Hypoapsis Miles will make your soil happy...fungus gnats not so much. they colonize are not very mobile, so once introduce to a media they will protect that media for your plants/medias life

way better and more effective then nematodes for FG control in my professional opinion

they also eat thrips early stage life i believe
Hypoapsis Miles will make your soil happy...fungus gnats not so much. they colonize are not very mobile, so once introduce to a media they will protect that media for your plants/medias life

way better and more effective then nematodes for FG control in my professional opinion

they also eat thrips early stage life i believe
Exactly. EWC or vermicompost should have some hypoaspis miles in them and is an easy way to introduce them to your soil cheaply. That's where all my beneficial insects came from. I also started in FFOF, but now it's been turned into a no-till living soil. Hypoaspis miles for the win.