Fungus Gnats Mosquito Dunk


Hello First post here at RIU hoping someone can give me a hand.

I have fungus Gnats the problem isn't major and probably brought on because the plants were a bit rootbound. Due to personal issues I had to wait to repot and althought I avoided them dying and they are healthy overall looks like I got gnats.

I dont like wasting money I know gnat off works but it costs quite a bit considering you are really only after the active ingriedient. The active ingridient can be fond in Mosquito Dunk tablets which are safe to use on plants, people, and pets.

My Problem is I am a Hydro grower using an UWRDWC. some comments I have seen mention just dropping them into a control tank as a preventative and or cure if you do suffer them.

My general questions are

1 ) will this cause any toxicity or leeching into the plants? they are about 4 weeks into flower.

2) If its a case of just dropping the tabs in and not breaking them up how many tablets per liter? My system holds about 200 liters of water total.

Even breaking the tabs up and top drenching it will go into my system isnt it just cheaper and effective to leave them in a controller to dissolve and take action? If this is going to drastically affect taste or plant performance il shell out for gnat off I am really hoping to avoid this

Any advice is appreciated ty in advance

Strains include Blue Jack, White Rhino, Grapegod and a true Beast of a Blueberry Sativa :D