Fumigation for Spider Mites

So yesterday I was at my outdoor crop and noticed my blueberry was infested with these fuckers, but some how none of my others so I was looking up all these ways to treat em, I had no materials, and my plants can't be moved cuz they're in the ground.

I found a "nicotine water," tryed that but the tobacco was getting stuck in the sprayer tube.

I decided to try my own idea and threw a 45 gallon (i think) trash bag over my shit, tied up the bottom, poked a hole in the top and threw a straw in it... for 20 minutes i was nonstop smokin either bud or a cigg and blowing it into that bitch.

left it on as i finished watering took it off and VUELA! dead spideys dead spideys!

don't know if it killed the eggs or all of them but i'm planning on doing it again tomorrow morning before the sun comes out enough

as for the plant it didn't look harmed at all, maybe a little more perky but the only thing really noticable was the top nug squished just a tad

I'd like to know what you think or if I may be doing something harmful to the plant I don't know so please let me know!



Well-Known Member
:clap: I got a good laugh, thanks. The nicotine spray will work great, don't give up just because you had some trouble. Next time you spray and I am thinking the sooner the better after the trash bag :-P, follow one of these two methods for nicotine spray I have done it over 40 years for insect control. Ok just so you know there hundreds or thousands of ways people make this stuff, this is just pretty easy and effective;

First Method
Take 3 cigs or about a third of a cigar, place into 2 cups of water. Heat the water but do not boil, but very hot. The water will turn to the color of iced tea. Let mixture cool to room temp. Using a strainer, paper towel, cloth towel, coffee filter, get the idea? and strain fluid into your hand mister. Fill with water, 2 drops of liquid soap (Ivory is the best 99.9% pure and spray the absolute hell:fire:out of your plants.

Second method
Fill a 2 liter bottle with water add the tabacco and let set in the sun for several hours and repeat the above, straining and such.

+rep for trying hard