full spectrum vs wide spectrum fluorescents?


Well-Known Member
Those are just advertising terms - they don't mean much of anything! They are meant to make the uneducated buyer "feel" better about their purchase. What you want for flowering is the one that puts out 2,700 K light. Some call it "Soft White", some call it "Warm White", but these terms are misleading too! The only reliable measure of spectrum, for flourescents, is the "K" rating (Kelvin color temperature rating) IMHO!


Active Member
that is basically what I figured. What I am using to flower right now is 2 fluro tubes (warm white and wide spectrum) From what I ready the wide spectrums are 3500k. I also bought 4 soft white CFL's. I have 2 three feet tall plants.

My 400w hps is in the mail.