Full Moon Plant Indoor Help!

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
I am using the following setup:

- Blackstar LED - 3 inches from plant canopy. I'm sure that I need to raise the light.
- Organic Soil- with dolomite lime.
- Humboldt Nutrients fed a little less than every other watering(My first FM grow didn't need many nutes).
- Smart pot
- 18/6 light schedule

- First symptom was burnt tips, a sign of nute burn, so I fed less.
- Second symptom: lower yellow leaves.
- Newest symptoms are yellow leaves up top
- and leaf twist

It seems like a nutrient deficiency but the leaf tips are still burnt.

What do? Halp. Here's a photo to help things along.



Well-Known Member
What was the NPK values on the element chart on your fertilizers?Also how much did you feed .What was your soil's NPK values (if it was pre-fertilized).Soil's ph should be fine but i'm a little worried on what you fed.