Fuck you Fast Buds.

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Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Hello fellow RIU members, I'm starting this thread because of some disgusting advertising done by Fast Buds seeds. I've never used their genetics, and after seeing their ad campaign, I never will. It all started last night while I was checking some info on seedfinder.eu and I saw this...
Fast Bud GSC.jpg

In case you're missing it, look in the bottom right hand corner, where it says "GIRL SCOUT COOKIES IN STOCK!" Yeah, take a nice long look at that photo, see anything wrong? Like the fact that they used a little girls face, photoshopped some long bleached out hair, and sunglasses on her to hide her true age. Then they added some military garb and then threw a pair breasts on her.
Here's a closer look...
Fast Buds GSC CU.jpg
I know they're companies like Porno Seeds out there, that use porn stars names, and likenesses, on their packaging. This is a completely different animal though. This is wrong on every level and makes our community look really bad. We're trying to get the word out to the world that cannabis can help children with seizures and other health problems. Yet Fast Buds sees fit to try and produce an ad that mixes adult sexuality, with a child's image, and ends up producing pseudo kiddie porn. So for that reason, and that reason alone, fuck you Fast Buds. I hope your business fails miserably.
Hello fellow RIU members, I'm starting this thread because of some disgusting advertising done by Fast Buds seeds. I've never used their genetics, and after seeing their ad campaign, I never will. It all started last night while I was checking some info on seedfinder.eu and I saw this...
View attachment 3476219

In case you're missing it, look in the bottom right hand corner, where it says "GIRL SCOUT COOKIES IN STOCK!" Yeah, take a nice long look at that photo, see anything wrong? Like the fact that they used a little girls face, photoshopped some long bleached out hair, and sunglasses on her to hide her true age. Then they added some military garb and then threw a pair breasts on her.
Here's a closer look...
View attachment 3476223
I know they're companies like Porno Seeds out there, that use porn stars names, and likenesses, on their packaging. This is a completely different animal though. This is wrong on every level and makes our community look really bad. We're trying to get the word out to the world that cannabis can help children with seizures and other health problems. Yet Fast Buds sees fit to try and produce an ad that mixes adult sexuality, with a child's image, and ends up producing pseudo kiddie porn. So for that reason, and that reason alone, fuck you Fast Buds. I hope your business fails miserably.

i agree girls scouts are rarely abouve 18 if ever . this is fucked up advertising
Hmmmm. I would have never bought a pack of their seeds because how crappy the pics/descriptions/genetics look. This is in very very poor taste and seals the deal even harder. With so so so many amazing breeders out now who on earth who fall for this pathetic attempt.

I hear what Professor kind is saying. My wife is asian and it's like is she 16 or 60? ha. But the image of a girl scout (very young girls) with bare tits really grosses me out. This company should seriously be ashamed.

"I want some motherfuckin' girl scout cookies!" Are these guys 12? These are the type of "stoners" I've avoided since age 13.

And it's all autos?! LMAO.
you could also contact seedfinder.... since they had that up on their site as an advert.

they do no reviews of their ad content?

work backwards.

Seems like they went for a GTA style of artwork and failed miserably.

Sex sells... except when the tits are horrible and misshapen
The shape of things to come I'm afraid. We'll start seeing more & more of this bullshit as time goes on and legalization spreads. It's all about the money, and only about the money. They'll do whatever it takes.
Let's nip this shit in the bud, it's bad for all of us. Much of the of the current industry is intended only for adults; this aims squarely at at teenage boys, imo. I wonder if GSA legal dept has an opinion on this?

This isn't going to help any of us waiting for decrim/legal* either, especially if it becomes rampant. Fuck 'em. Boycott assholes like this, and all their associates.

*here, it's more like lagalization. Taking forfuckingever.
im all for everything you dudes are saying.... that weird ad puts growers in a bad light.
the ad is terrible for a variety of reasons.

flip mode, a bunch of us us are buying those beans illegally.
yet, the concern is an image & a marketing strategy via a seller of shwag beans.
they think we're all 20 to 25 and dont realize bunch of us pay rent/mortgage/etc

.... adults. we're grown ups.
...im doing nasty sh#t to my chick, and that ad is unusual to me.

& GTA (vid games) is a great example.

even weird internet shit like "second life"... wtf?

& laura croft's bouncy perfekt tits make the game a game ? right ?

plus, the hat is not a (current) (yet slightly similar in style to an old version) girl scout hat, the jacket is military, the chick looks barely legal type (which is legal even barely) , fast buds patch on the hat by the way.

the presentation is tasteless !
yet, imo, all of it is fine.

especially in europe where the op found this ad (seedfinder.eu).

what the fuck, you want to tell everybody how to run a biz & live their life?
& nothing wrong with noting it or complaining, fair game either way.

i support the op.
just have a slightly different view.
If we're even gonna debate her age to play "devils advocate" ask yourself this: When is the last time you've seen a girl in that uniform that wasn't 12 years old tops. Even the tits look pubescent. IMO this ad is pretty fucking close to kiddie porn.

There's a reason they're not called "woman scouts". It's not the tits or the sex imagery that bothers me (tacky and juvenile sure but whatever...)

The only disturbing part to me personally is the Girl Scout outfit. Makes it creepy and gross imvho.

I do agree with professor kind to a point. Not trying to censor anyone or tell them how to live/market. I just feel things like this are a slippery slope when it involves (what looks like to me) a very very young girl.

Ok. Now I'm bummed out. lol. Time to get stoned. :)
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