Fuck the goverment!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Please, you only say that because you think existence is governed by rules of man. The nature of universe is beautifully prosed chaos. Each atom as grand as a galaxy.


Active Member
People, my fellow human beings!! We are are all fucked anyways look at our options.... The democrats fucked things up and the republicans dont even get me started. You are going to have a brother and a woman run for the first time, then they are going to act like jackasses all over the place!! OHHH my godness we are screwed! I am a Dem, and I cant even think about our nation being in the situation we are in now. I say screw them muslims and spend all that money we are spending on them on ourselves. I will not vote for some jeriactric old ass man either not to mention he is a rep. So once again I say we are screwed. GIVE ME SOMEONE WHO IS PROFESSIONAL! please


Well-Known Member
Cary Grant, or at least one of the men he played. He would make an awesome president. Honest, conservative (in nature, not like Republican), willing to sacrifice for the greater good, controlled by no man, and probably quite open to cannabis, especially when used commercially.

Yes, I'll admit openly that I have a man crush on Cray Grant =P his characters are the men I aspire to be. Like Teddy Roosevelt, but better dressed :joint:


Well-Known Member
barack hussien obama ,..sounds to me like barack= bagdad & iraq put together,,, hussien , we all know that dead asshole ,, & obama ,, kindda sounds like osamma to me ,,, so why in the fuck are we as americans letting this muslim fuck try to rule our world ,, as for hillary clinton,... fuck her too