FUCK! i got my favorite bowl broken...any Repair tips?


FUCK! i got my favorite bowl broken...

So while in summit county CO over the summer i picked up an amazing bowl from a local blower that said he was an ex roadie for the Dead... riiiight.. anyway i managed to get it and some dank all the way back to the east coast:blsmoke:.. trees were short and my buddy started to scrape at my bowls... a pair of sissors and my favorite bowl got into it apparently over a resin nug.. sissors went through the bottom of the bowl.. punched it out clean break...

please help..

peice only goes in from the inside

clean break

flame area so no glues/cements

resin as glue just burns

any suguestions?:confused:



Active Member
ouch that happened 2 me and i put a screenbuddy on the mouth piece but then u can only load fattys
do they hav screenbuddys 4 glass pipes in the east? do you no what 1 is?


i bought 30 glass screens of all sizes including XXL and they are all too small... i could put a regular screen in it but that would defeat the purpose of a sick glass bowl... and i havnt seen or heard of the screenbuddys... what are they?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Damn dude, that sucks & thats a nice looking piece of glass too. I am having trouble coming up with a patch for your prob that does not include an epoxy. I'm afraid that my best suggestion is to pick up another & write it off.
Sorry, I've been racking my brain for a bit now & no luck.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Throw it on a shelf so you can loot at it and remember the good times while you're hitting your new pipe.

Sorry. Welcome to RIU


yeah i think a blower is my only option... i saw this video on youtube of a guy using a blowtorch and fixxed a similar problem but it was on a CLEAR peice.. mine i think might be too pretty to try that


Well-Known Member
and also about taking it to a blower.... stupid question... but i should clean it out first huh?
Dont do the blow torch. You run the risk of cracking the whole piece when it cools.

Get some 91% alcohol from the store and soak it before you get it fixed. Even if the blower is cool with it - Driving around with a dirty piece is illegal.


its sucks man i almost opened the back door and just threw my peice in the woods.. hahaha but cooler heads prevailed and now i just want to fix the damn thing if possible... its got some personal value id like to keep functional.. and yea im actually soaking it in everclear as we speak.. i have lots of that shit for making the "chronic tonic" as we have dubbed it but i think its known as green dragon... btw is amazing


the replacement is what i want to avoid.. its not the only one in my collection haha i have 19 peices of different design and function... i just like this one alot and im attached... if its possible to fix it and not ruin the color continuity i would love to hear how


Active Member
i donno if its sfae to put there cause of the heat but my bong got a hole in it up higher ii was weird but i used mighty putty and it actually worked awesome


yeah i mean if theres a cement or glue or somthing like it that can handle a direct flame with out giving me mesothellioma or some nasty rash or even kill me.. thats an acceptable solution. however i combed the interweb in search of.. only to find bunko..