Fuck fuck fuck ! Please help


Active Member
Somebody found my plant and ripped off the half that had a split in the main stem, i still have half of it but this is now the second time ive transplanted it in 2 weeks cause of some other dick head, i had to transport back to my house i figure that safer than the woods but now i have to broken branches with buds on them, can i fix them by taping it together or am i better just to cut them off FUCK FUCK FUCK i know who did it too for fucks sakes, PLEASE HELP!


New Member
Somebody found my plant and ripped off the half that had a split in the main stem, i still have half of it but this is now the second time ive transplanted it in 2 weeks cause of some other dick head, i had to transport back to my house i figure that safer than the woods but now i have to broken branches with buds on them, can i fix them by taping it together or am i better just to cut them off FUCK FUCK FUCK i know who did it too for fucks sakes, PLEASE HELP!
tape them but you don't have to.
i have had plenty of plants keep on growing with snapped branches even to the point of the branches laying on the ground.
In gorilla grows a lot of times I would just snap them to get them to lay down.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks bro....So if you know who did it why are you sitting on your comp typing this and not out fuckin him up??


New Member
well the two are pretty much hanging upside down..
Keep them attached by the strand and wait a couple days. If they are going to make it you will know in 2-3 days as they will wilt. If they wilt harvest them, if not they will continue to flower, no biggie.


Ha that is what I am wondering. That sucks man. About where you from? Your grow situation sounds like mine in NW OH

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Shouldn't have told or showed anyone. Remember the golden rule? Sometimes unfortunately you have to learn the hard way. As for the busted branches, upright them and tape will work. I prefer zip-ties and garden tape. If after 24 hrs the leaves haven't all wilted on the broken branches they should survive. As long as the branch doesn't completley seperate from the plant it can be fixed.


Active Member
so you think i should put a stake in the ground make the brnach as straight as possible and tape it to the stake ?


Well-Known Member
yeah do it to it....You gotta get it upright for the plant to try and heal itself both ends of the crack have to be right on eachother


Well-Known Member
There's nothing u can do. What's done is done. It will live, it will adjust. Hopefully it doesn't go hermie on u from stressing. Let it be, let it do it's own thing, n go kick the shit out of that kid, which is stupid. U should do Fucked up things that he can't prove u did. Slash the tires, bowling ball-thru-the-window-drive-by, fuck his sister, fuck his girl, fuck his mom. Spray paint a dick with hairy balls on the side of his house one night. Or u can Go the ski-mask way with a few friends or catch him on the down low. That motherfcuker deserves whatever bad comes his way. I personally would choose to befriend him, n eventually hook him up with a girl, who secretly is a prostitute that u paid to givehim cyphilus, claumedia, herpes, or hopefully even aids. Nothin says payback like havin ur dick dry up n fall off . If u need help, gimme a holler

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
so you think i should put a stake in the ground make the brnach as straight as possible and tape it to the stake ?

yes thats part of growing. You always have to stake them up. They need support. here's a pic of some of mine that split. They broke the zip ties eventually and ate a few too.


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
There's nothing u can do. What's done is done. It will live, it will adjust. Hopefully it doesn't go hermie on u from stressing. Let it be, let it do it's own thing, n go kick the shit out of that kid, which is stupid. U should do Fucked up things that he can't prove u did. Slash the tires, bowling ball-thru-the-window-drive-by, fuck his sister, fuck his girl, fuck his mom. Spray paint a dick with hairy balls on the side of his house one night. Or u can Go the ski-mask way with a few friends or catch him on the down low. That motherfcuker deserves whatever bad comes his way. I personally would choose to befriend him, n eventually hook him up with a girl, who secretly is a prostitute that u paid to givehim cyphilus, claumedia, herpes, or hopefully even aids. Nothin says payback like havin ur dick dry up n fall off . If u need help, gimme a holler

Whats done CAN be fixed. This guy sounds like a genius with all his good info on what you should do, jeesh.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Thanks dick. From what I saw it seemed like branches were ripped off, I didn't see a main stem low on the plant broken. Then again I could only see two pics, I'm on a phone n one of them isn't popping up. I was basically expressing how I felt when I was in the same situation. Sorry for not being as great as u, the all mighty pot god, I bow to your abilities. Next time I will ask for ur permition before making a general comment.


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Thanks dick. From what I saw it seemed like branches were ripped off, I didn't see a main stem low on the plant broken. Then again I could only see two pics, I'm on a phone n one of them isn't popping up. I was basically expressing how I felt when I was in the same situation. Sorry for not being as great as u, the all mighty pot god, I bow to your abilities. Next time I will ask for ur permition before making a general comment.


You didn't make a general comment, it was bad advice. I'm not better than anyone here. I know what I'm doing and do it very well. I'm here to learn and help as much as I can. No need to get your panties in a bunch cause I called you out on your bad info. Have some humility bro, relax and burn one.:peace:

EDIT: if your not clear on the problem at hand then how can you give acurate advise?


Active Member
+Rep to the both of you cause 1 thats just funny 2 he will get whats coming to him and 3 thanks for the help, i put to stakes and made the branches upright spent about a meter worth of scotch tape and they seem to be standing upright for now, hopefully nothing knocks them over, fuck that pisses me off, 5 months of work and some douche bag decides to take half the plant from the broken trunck, its not even ready to smoke, i bet the genius thought he could transplant it or something, fucking idiot, oh well whats done is done and i hope all turns out well. still transplanting twice in 2 weeks has me worried, ill keep you updated with pics, keep adding molasses to my water or no ?


New Member
You can tape em or not. That strand will determine if they (the branches) survive. Taping is something that is practical when they are still vegging at this point they are not going to heal only survive or not.
I really gave you the correct advice in the begining for what it is worth.


Active Member
Stake that shit up!! It will come around happend to me before and the stem got even stronger...
You can tape em or not. That strand will determine if they (the branches) survive. Taping is something that is practical when they are still vegging at this point they are not going to heal only survive or not.
I really gave you the correct advice in the begining for what it is worth.
Ill take your advice and anyones, but ive been dealing with this for the past 2 hours, digging walking transplanting going back and forth to the computer, im just pissed, and dont worry +rep for helping

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
You can tape em or not. That strand will determine if they (the branches) survive. Taping is something that is practical when they are still vegging at this point they are not going to heal only survive or not.
I really gave you the correct advice in the begining for what it is worth.

I wouldn't say that it depends on the strand. Anyway I have buds snap branches over there own weight every year. Just stake them up and they should be fine.