Frustrated intx

Willy The Cat

Active Member
Ok tired and fed up with trying to find smoke, tired of all the games of trying to buy. SO I am really really considering growing for my own personal use, at my home. I am totally new to all this, been watching all the videos and reading what i can, seems like a tough task. Please any suggestions, additonal help or encouragemet is much appreciated. I am not a botanist by no means just a guy who wants to learn best way to grow in his home for his own personal use. Where do i start?


Welcome to the forum. A good place to start would be with Widows grow journal and 101 already asked questions. You have to remember you are growing a weed. Getting that weed to give you the most bud is the tricky part. Any mistakes that can be made, have been made by many of us, so don't worry about making a few.
You may want to read a few journals from other new growers. Some of the folks have come up with really awesome ideas.
Yes definitely check out the Newbie Section for more information. If there is one tip I can give you, it is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH LIGHT. As long as the heat doesn't burn them up, the plant can pretty much take in as much light that you put in front of it. Below are a few links that have helped me out a ton. Check them out and good luck!!

Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos
Growing Cannabis a complete guide on how to Grow Cannabis
Drying And Curing Marijuana. This Is What We Think The Best Way To Dry Your Marijuana Buds
Marijuana Plants Problems - Yellow Leaves, brown spots, nutrient shortage etc.
Marijuana Lighting, Marijuana Grow Lights and Lamps - Concept420 - Marijuana Entertainment and Information
you don't have to be a botanist to grow weed... but if you really are interested in growing good bud for yourself, by harvesting time you'll end up knowing a thing or two about botany! i have to say that growing weed has definitely got me into the whole gardening thing. it's all really interesting :-)

my advice to you is to buy a Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) or two for your first grow. they're cheap, i bought both my full spectrum bulbs for about 12 bucks apiece and then bought the fixture for about 14 bucks. they're also really easy to set up and use. just plug it into a normal light socket - no ballast like for the expensive High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps out there, yet they are still effective for a good vegetative grow. you can get these at any normal lighting store.

but the best part about weed is that you can screw it up a lot and it's not the end of the world - you can fix it back up and still get an awesome thriving plant! :-D that's what happened to me anyway lol

well, welcome to the forums anyway, and hope you give growing a try - it's really fun and rewarding :-)

good luck!

well, figure out if you want to grow out or indoors and if you would know a good spot to do so and the personal pros and cons of this methods for you. then start to set up the place, get seeds and grow some fine weed for you needs;)