Fruit Flies? On my plants


there seems to be little fruit fly looking bugs hovering around and in the soil. Is this a threat to my plants and how do I get rid of them? :wall:

also, are spiders a situation?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
These are fungas gnats, they live and thrive in your soil,
and compete with your roots, they can also carry diseases
which will then be introduced to your rhizome and can
damage your root ball and hurt your plant.

Azamax is the answer to your problem


Well-Known Member
the flying things are a fungas gnat u dont want them they lay larva in ur soil and the larva feed on roots, so yes they are a threat, get fly traps for the flyers i am not sure how to get rid of them in the soil i to have them also water a lil less they usally appear when their exses moisture in the soil and as for spiders they are good and eat other insects that may not be good, aslong as their not spider mights or a spider that eats plants id found out what kind of spider u had before u take out of grow room could be useful


Well-Known Member
are you sure theyre gnats?
because i have the same thing, little flies which are evrywhere and there are 100s in the soil

i assumed they were thrips? but maybe not...

anyways iv seen a good solution called a sulphur candle... anyone ever used one??
its supposed to kill all pests in your growroom


Active Member
neem oil, on the soil and the pots, on the pots cuz the gnats will get stuck to the oils. some say its ok to spray the foliage with neem oil but try not to. the gnats are in the soil anyway. also a layer of pearlite on top of the soil helps keep them out, good luck, oh yea , a shotgun works but the ammo is sooo expensive. good luck

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
No man, Neem doesnt work by sticking the bugs to the oils, it
causes the insects to be unable to reproduce as well as killing them
through starvation and growth disruption, and neem is perfectly
fine to spray on the leaves, as long as you use a wetting agent like
some all natural dishsoap and dilute the mixture... Anything in excess
isn't good, just take it easy.... Azamax dude, Azamax..

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
are you sure theyre gnats?
because i have the same thing, little flies which are evrywhere and there are 100s in the soil

i assumed they were thrips? but maybe not...

anyways iv seen a good solution called a sulphur candle... anyone ever used one??
its supposed to kill all pests in your growroom
Yes they are Fungus Gnats, not thrips... I wouldn't smoke nugget that has had
sulphur burned in to the atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
The are in your soil because you are over watering. Let them dry out and it will start killing them. No pest strips! Hang some up and water less.


Well-Known Member
personally i dont overwater so it cant be that.
however i will buy some neem oil and sticky strips, hopefully this will get rid of em all?


thanks for the help everyone! Tommorow im off to get some Azamax haha hopefully I can find it here in Canada. And I have watered them alot so it makes sense. Hey trial and error right? :P
well thanks again, youve all been a huge help.


Active Member
another way if u have a hydro store around you can look at preditory nemetodes. you water them into the soil and they live off the larve making it impossible for the gnats to make a home.


so I sprayed the plants and it seems to be clearing up well. As for the spider, hes now my little buddy, he keeps watch hahah

spiders wont hurt the plants right?


Well-Known Member
so I sprayed the plants and it seems to be clearing up well. As for the spider, hes now my little buddy, he keeps watch hahah

spiders wont hurt the plants right?
As long as they don't start spinning webs in your buds when you flower they should be OK.

Also, if you put a screen over your intake it should help. Thrip screens are best if you can find them, but a pair of stockings should also help in a pinch.

If fungus gnats become an ongoing issue, I've heard that putting a layer of sand over the soil will kill them. When the larvae become adults they wont be able to get through the sand to fly and they'll starve. I imagine it would also keep the gnats from laying eggs in the soil, but not sure on that point (just a guess).


while Im here I might aswell ask about lighting.
right now its about 4 weeks into the growing, and I have a long flourescent light. I know ill need more but I was wondering if I could get just another flourescent light? or do I have to start using a heat lamp now?
does it just slow the process down?
Hello an sorry to ask sim 'Q', but it's a NO to the sulphur candle,,only I've got a bad case of black fly,,AND spider mite to Boot
...Not ,,Happy,,My girls r in Bloom an takin a beating',,Tryd Plant Vitality,only seemd to wrk for couple weeks,and now there bak on the 'Beach' sippin On Gin an the blak fly are bak in the sky,,Its like there havin Top Gun lessons in Me Bak bedroom.!!! I thought '',, All Out War wiv the sulphur candle jobby,,BUT don't wanna Kill Ma'Girls,,HELP.!!!!..
there is also sumthin I've learned,,,Never again to bring rougue,lonely or unwanted,unknown girls off anyone into an otherwise Happy HouseHold...,,Thanx for Any ideas or Help with this Problem..


Well-Known Member
Put a solution of vinegar, apple juice, water and a drop of dishwashing detergent into a coffee cup. Put the coffee cup on top of your soil. Wait a couple of days and you'll find dozens of the bastards floating in there. I keep one in each plant just to make sure they don't come back.You can also put 1/4" to 1/2 " of sand on top of the soil