Fruit flies and white little bugs


I have a month old I have been growing in my closet and for some reason I have been seeing more and more fruit flies and today I noticed on the rim of my pot a bunch of little white bugs crawling up and down (killed a few with a napkin but at the rate insects reproduce I know it didn't help :-( ). Can someone help me please?


Moderatrix of Journals
2 questions:
1. these white bugs - are they actual 'insects' with legs or wormy-looking things?
2. are you sure the flying ones are fruit flies and not fungus gnats?


They don't look worm like. They look like little white round insects. Well after googleing fungus gnats they definitely don't look like them.:bigjoint:


Moderatrix of Journals
i've read some people in forums having issues with 'root aphids' (never had them) *desperately knocking wood* might wanna google them too...


Well-Known Member
i dont think its spider mites, you would see damage and webbing on the leaves from them if there were that many that your seeing them in the dirt. IMO

checkout this thread, it helped me out a lot.

google ''hypoasis miles'' they are a predatory insect that feeds on larva of other pest insects, Fungas nats being one of them. i would look really closely at the bugs flying around in your grow. i had what i thought to be fruit flies and it ended up being fungas nats. Im not saying thats whats going on in your case but its good to be safe......

either way NO PEST STRIPS and some kind of soil drench should take care of them.



Active Member
...a tiny bit of dishwashing detergent to the water that you give to the plants. Just a tiny bit, like a few drops, will do. What I do is put a few drops of Dawn or something like that into a plastic pitcher. I then fill the pitcher with water. Just a few drops will create substantial suds. I now have a pitcher filled only two-thirds with water because the upper third is all suds. This is what you will then water the plants with...