From XXX to 420


Hi Guys, my name is _______

I'm long time lurker, and this is my first post. I've finally made the decision to get into growing:weed:. I'm planning on leaving my job and growing full time. Taking a chance to go do what I want to do. It's been a rough decision giving up my kush (pun intended) ADULT internet sales job where I make 80k+ a year. (I'm not posting to brag about income, I'm only saying it's not a bad salary to live on in this economy) I'm going to investing my life savings into this (SCARRY!!!). I hate being behind a desk all day doing something I don't have a whole lot of interest in, sales. So I'm planning my grow room out now, really kinda freaking out as this whole thing is becoming a reality. Really thankful for resources like Very excited to meet, and learn from you all!
