From Soil To Hydro...Help !!


Active Member
Hey Everyone,

Im about to start a bubble bucket grow and I need a little advice. I have a female plant growing in soil that I want to transfer to a 5 gal bubble bucket. The growth has apparently stopped due to the very small container im currently using. Im temporarily using a crappy little fluorescent light from Walmart and I believe its not enough for the plant. My 400w light should be here today so thats not a issue. I will be using GH for the nutes. Does anyone know what the proper way to move the plant from one growing style to the other with the least amount of stress ?? Nute mixtures / strengths ?? Time for me isnt an issue so I can try anything to nurse it back to health. I just want to finish growing this plant so I can take cuttings. Any input would be great...Thanks


Well-Known Member
Done that many times myself, here's what I do.

Have a nice large bowl of lukewarm water handy. Take soil plant, invert and gently remove plant holding by lowest stem area. Then place root side into water bowl and LIGHTLY massage and swoosh as much dirt as possible from the root mass.

You will never get it 100%, but get as much as possible. The plant into your hydroton/netpot holder for your bubble bucket.

You can add to this if you'd like and trim about an inch or two of roots from the bottom of the rootball...this will add about a week of recovery time, but new growth should be vigorous.

With your new light coming, I'd start it about 2-3 feet above plant if possible for the first week while it recovers from the transplant stress. Then slowly lower each day to optimal height while observing to make sure all is good.

Easier than it may sound, just be gentle and allow the plant to recover and you'll be fine.

For nutes, I'd go straight ahead and mix 5ml GH micro and 10ml GH Bloom per gallon of water (RO preferred) Then just before the midway point in flower I up to 8ml/16ml per gallon respectively.

Hope that helps, best of luck - OGH


Well-Known Member
Cool, I just did 3 seedlings yesterday. Started in soil, but wasn't happy with results so I popped them into little hempy cups (16oz. cups same method as hempy bucket) and hope they'll do great now.

Good luck - OGH