From heat stress to low humidity to this


New Member
Hello. I have made a few other posts and seem to have come a resolution on them but now I have encountered another problem. At first I had a head and or a low humidity problem. I put a fan on the plants, lowered them and started misting them at least once a day. Now I have the problem that you can see in the pictures below. The closest I could find on my own is that it might be nitrogen deficiency or calcium deficiency. I was hoping someone on here with some wisdom might be able to give me a definitive answer. Thank you so much for the help!



Well-Known Member
need more pics and more info. Go through everything you do to the plant, down to the soil type and the type of water you use (filtered, tap, spring). If you ffed with any nutrients, ect.
Misting every day is not a good idea imo. What kind of light/lights are you using? Average temp with lights on? Humidity?

Im guessing but it looks like magnesium deficiency, maybe. Maybe even nute burn.


Well-Known Member
and full pics of the plant so I can see where those leaves are on it, and how bad it is (if possible). What size pot its in too


New Member
I have the pics below to give more context. All I really do is have them on a 16-8 light timer on a 250 watt hps bulb. I would water them once a day with a gallon of reverse osmosis water that has about 1 tbsp of general hydroponics flora nova in it. Today I took the plant below that has the yellow marks on it and put it in a bigger put and under a seperate light of the same power are type to start flowering. As an experiment I cut off the tip of the plant, forcing the 4 branches below it to all start growing up instead of just the center of the plant. It is hard to explain but I did it accidentally before and it prevented the plant from growing too tall. I use coco coir with no perlite or anything. the temp stays around 80. I am not sure of the humidity. I would be surprised if it were nute burn since it just started popping up recently and I have not changed nute ratios. Also the other plant has leaves that are starting to fold light praying hands as you can see in the picture. This just started happening today and I think it is because I lowered the lights down and caused it to over head. I put the light back up several inches hoping to stop this.

Thank you for the help. Sorry I have so many questions and scattered information. This really means a lot to me.



Well-Known Member
Back off the fan some fella. Your getting what looks like windburn on your edges. All the fan needs to do is be gently moving the plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, what Rock said... calcium and magnesium deficient. RO water will do that fairly soon if not acted upon with a supplement. I use Cal Mag by DynaGro. It happened to me the first time I used RO water.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You could try misting them with Epsom salt as well for the mag but yup calcium using Calmag is a good thing. And yes a nice gentle breeze to circulate air. As for misting I'm not sure why that's not a good thing? Perhaps rock could elaborate but I mist every day with Epsom and they love it. I'm nota coco grower so that's were my suggestions stop lol.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
You could try misting them with Epsom salt as well for the mag but yup calcium using Calmag is a good thing. And yes a nice gentle breeze to circulate air. As for misting I'm not sure why that's not a good thing? Perhaps rock could elaborate but I mist every day with Epsom and they love it. I'm nota coco grower so that's were my suggestions stop lol.
Misting can create an environment for mold to thrive, especially where the leaves overlap.


Well-Known Member
well i dont think misting is needed, unless your foliar feeding. Definitely dont mist with lights on. But I guess it wont hurt but not needed.
I agree that could be too much fan as well. But if your using ro and not adding cal mag that is likely the problem. Although now that fan/wind damage was mentioned it could be that.
I dont know much about coco, im a soil guy. The tricky thing is once the big fan leaves have damage like that you cant make them healthy again, only try to stop it from getting worse. But you can still flower them and probably get a good end result.
Possibly even heat stress. Better to have the light a bit too far until you know for sure where the best level to have it at is.
Since the light level and fan speed is easily changed and shouldnt have negative effect, Id do all 3 things (move fan so it blows above the plants at canopy level, not on the plants directly, move light up which I think you did already, and add cal mag for the next couple waterings then every other or every third from here on out).
80 is a bit high but not that bad, shouldnt cause issues. Watering once a day might be too much but it might be ok as long as they dry out a fair amount in between waterings, again Ive never used coco so idk for sure about that.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Misting can create an environment for mold to thrive, especially where the leaves overlap.
I agree that yes if your leaves are touching each other then probably not a great idea but in a good well grown environment I think it's a good thing for the plants. I've never had a mould issue indoors. I probably mist more when the plants are in their first few weeks. I also agree that plants will grow just fine without it but with my setup they seem to do fractionally better, just seem happy lol.