Frist Grow Box


So about a week ago a friend of mine germinated two seeds on a whim, and decided to do a little growing. Once the seeds were germinated, they were planted in some potting soil, in which they sprouted and grew to about 1-2". My friend did some reading online and really put some research into creating a very decent grow box for a single plant for personal medical use. The budget: $80.

So a trip to the local hardware store provided the following items, and the box you see in the pictures was assembled in about 3 1/2 hours.

1x Free Cardboard Box with a cool cut-out from the home and garden section, Dimensions: 15"x15"x33"

2x Large roll of white duct tape

2x 4" desk fan

2x Light bulb sockets

2x 26 watt 6500k daylight bulbs

So here it is...Some opinions, critiques, pointers, anything at all would be great!



Looks pretty good. Beware people are going to hate on you for 2 plants one pot. But other than that you could probally use more lighting along the way.


Active Member
Looks nice, & i only have a couple things to say...
-Why didn't you get 2 small pots?
-Dont burn you house down.
& Good Luck ;)



Well that's a good question. The plant on the left fell over while in it's small pot, so I went into emergency Re-potting mode and put them both in the same pot. That happened about 32 hours ago, and I cant tell if the one that fell is healthy or not, as it pretty much looks the same as the other. When will I know? I'm pretty much counting the one that fell as DEAD. And if they both happen to survive, and they are both female, well then I have the problem of dealing with an extra plant, because I had only planned on growing one plant at once.

I plan on adding 2 more bulbs once the plants are tall enough for it to matter...maybe 8-10 inches.

I've been watering every time the soil dries out, but when do I have to start worrying about nutrients?