Friends or Cops


Active Member
Yesterday me and my bro were cruisin through town and came to a conclusion about something. Kids that we grew up with are becoming cops...... that made me real edgy, not like we kicked in groups or that we were well known, just the thought of that made us like "Fuck, those guyz know certain people and when they get on the force you kno they gonna see a face and roll them" its getting real hard now its almost like the po po's are recruitin our friends to turn on us............... ne one else see this kinda where they are from???


Well-Known Member
i have afriend i grew up with in So Cal that became po po . Seen him 5 yrs later at a party and we was blazing one in front of him like we did back in high school and he was cool. He is not a asshole cop like that . Then i moved down south and knew a friend of one of my good friends was a PIG and i mean tht in every sence of the word. He is a typical pig and i would not trust him as far as i could throw his fat ass. So ya got to figure the pro's and con's ya had back in the day with the person i guess to feel comfy . GOD LUCK


Active Member
True, just people might be thinking different when they get rolled and you sittin behind those bars like "dang i thought i could" but ya guess everyone does have their pro's and con's of it...


Active Member
i don't care how good of a friend he is...i wouldn't share anything with them...even if you think they are cool. what's the benefit of letting leo know your growing? are you trying to get their acceptance even if you do tell. a pig is a pig regardless of how cool or way back he/she goes. think about why they joined in the first place. most of them have really small dicks and just trying to overcompensate for their lack of manhood.


New Member
i have a friend also thats a cop iam much older then most you guys but i keep are friendship away from my bad side i do blow from time to time. anyways hes cool iam sure if he busted me doing anything minor he would let it go (file 13) but i dont let him know shit about me that would be dumb.


Well-Known Member
Im in my 30's , and i grew up with my cop friend from grade school althrough high school ... he was no angel when we was younger thats for sure !!!


Well-Known Member
So, My x-girlfriend is back in town and marrying a guy from school who now works as a prosecutor, and I use to fuck him up rather consistently, he was a little cocky bastard and I would mess him up and she was always around of course. I probably should avoid that town, not only did I use to bang his future wife but also made him cry and plead in front of her, hmmm. For some reason I am not invited to the wedding.


Well-Known Member
I know a cop, he is definitely a family friend. Just to toss his .02 into the ring his advice was never trust cops. I trust him but of course we get back to the family friend thing.


Well-Known Member
So, My x-girlfriend is back in town and marrying a guy from school who now works as a prosecutor, and I use to fuck him up rather consistently, he was a little cocky bastard and I would mess him up and she was always around of course. I probably should avoid that town, not only did I use to bang his future wife but also made him cry and plead in front of her, hmmm. For some reason I am not invited to the wedding.

you got to let it go mate. she's gone. he won you lost


Active Member
So here is a story of note:
I am hitting a Bong at a mates place on a plot, in walks po po and asks me to give him the bong immediately, i was like aw fuck, he then asks me for my bud and puts his badge and gun down on the table... He then stacks a pot and smokes it all in one hit... i was like wft ! Then every one there starts cracking up and I realize he is a mate of the friend I was visiting... BIG breath of releaf!

So I suppose dont be over friendly but hey the cool po are out there too...


New Member
I wouldnt put an leo in the position where he was in a debate with himself to bust me or not. Give 2 dogs one bone and they are going to fight over it. Give to caesar what belongs to caesar.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor buys her clones from a cop..He keeps babies from big busts..He's got a good sideline going...


Active Member
My neighbor buys her clones from a cop..He keeps babies from big busts..He's got a good sideline going...
That's not necessarily a good position though, if he gets pressure from above he knows exactly who to bust, and there's no saying he won't go straight to your neighbor. Not trying to instill paranoia btw, just being realistic.


Well-Known Member
i don't care how good of a friend he is...i wouldn't share anything with them...even if you think they are cool. What's the benefit of letting leo know your growing? Are you trying to get their acceptance even if you do tell. A pig is a pig regardless of how cool or way back he/she goes. Think about why they joined in the first place. Most of them have really small dicks and just trying to overcompensate for their lack of manhood.
very true. Couldnt have said it any better myself.