Friends 1st grow. Comments


Well-Known Member
those look stretched nute burned and heat stressed.

hows that sound?

tell your friend to get on here and we can help him out.



Well-Known Member
If you don't know what he's doing.. then how can we know what's wrong if we can't ask for input? You should tell him to join himself so we can find out more about his grow.. or they can die because he's a paranoid little hippie who wouldn't ask for help himself...
But that's not my comment.. that's a comment from... a ... friend of mine...

edit:LOL.. ok i was laughing when i wrote this.. your plants aren't going to die.. just kidding around


Well-Known Member
if you want us to help you help him we need to know about the grow.
watering schedule
size pots
how old are the plants
whats the ph
air circulation

You see depotman this is why we say get your friend to sign up.



hey im sorry you got offended about the friend thing. i thought it would be funny, you know like some people at the end of a post will say something like im an imaginarry person posting this and im in no way affiliated with growing and this is just an illussion, anyway thanks for your help. im not sure i think its sativa and there 3 weeks into flowering. will it hurt to take off the tops-will it kill them? there 2 gal. pots in some fox farm soil. it seams like every other day the soil is bone dry and they look like there in bad shape, so i water them. im using 2 tsp >>gal of tiger bloom and 1 tbl>>gal. of big bloom every other watering. i water with about 5.8 ph level water... i have an intake fan and an out take, and a little 12" fan inside. and im using a 400 watt hps. and there about 7 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
answer these questions.

temps with light on / off?
rh with light on / off ?
what size intake / exhaust fans in m/3?

your plants look seriously stretched try and get your light closer temps permitting .

ph should be 6.5-6.8 of water going in.

it looks like you have over fed them. back off on the nutes.

try flushing 3x your pot size of plain ph'd water


how tall are your plants? 2 gallon pots are big enough for a 2ft tall plant.
you could be rootbound which is why you are watering them so much. you should try water water feed water water feed .



Well-Known Member
I was just fucking around mate! You have the plants as your avatar... It was pretty obvious they were your plants.. just thought I'd joke a bit with you.
They look fine, just stretched. You shouldn't top them now.. they were always too far away from the light by the looks of them.
there's alot likely "not optimal" with your set up. By that I don't mean "wrong".. as you can see, they are alive right.. so you just have to dial in your set up. Why don't you go over you room set up and equipment list with us?
I'll go over mine and you can kinda copy me, but tell us your stuff and we can help from there..

I am growing cali Orange.
I am growing in a hydro/DWC set up
I currently am using 4' flourescent lights for clones and veg. I run 24/7 lights on for veg.
I veg for about a month or 12-18" and transfer to flower room.
I have my temp and humidity set at 80 degrees /40% (no humidifier)
I keep my lights about 3-4 inches away from the plants, but I will let them grow up to and touch the light without any problems so far in a year.

My flower room has a 1000Watt cool tubed HPS that I keep about 6 inches from the canopy.
temp and humidity is the same as the veg room.
I use GH 3 part nutes.
I flush for 10 days at the end of my grow using clearex.

Ph is only adjusted when I top up my res'es once a week. The PH stays between 5.6-and 6.0 without tinkering with it too much. That is the same for veg and flower res'es.

Now.. you have a good starting point on what I've been doing, and people can give advise on possibly things to look for to help out..
Like I know that my humidity is below optimum for my veg room. There's nothing I can do about it at the moment, but someone could point that out as something to work on. Know what I mean? You'll get more help, cause more people will be able to make suggestions based on the factors of your set up.


Well-Known Member
hey cowell

depending on your veg room size you could hang some damp towels in there to bring up RH but 40% is still ok.



Well-Known Member
I veg currently have veg and clone in the same closet(it's 3.5' by 4.5' the roof is weird and cuts the height in half from 6' down to 3 feet (of usable height).. I have tried wet towels and a humidifier that doesn't work very well, and neither helped much.. so I didn't bother with the extra noise and electricity.. you're right 40% isn't bad.. but if I could get it to 60% I'd be a happy camper for sure.
My plants don't suffer from it, and it stays constant, so I am ok with it being at 40 too... it's perfect for my flower room.. and that's more important to maintain to me. (mildew and mold have never been an issue)


Well-Known Member
agree with you about veg. i find that if i manage to keep RH at 60 during lights on it sky rockets during dark.

my veg is like yours around the 40% mark.



my grow room is 5 1/2 x 80" and 32" in depth. im not sure the humidity or temp. i know its not two hot because i have a fan in there. i have 2 6" fans that are in take and out. I like the idea of a damp cloth. you mentioned nutes. im using tiger bloom- 2tsp, and big bloom-2tbl a gallon. I will feed, water, water like you said. You mintioned root bound, do you think i should transplant to a bigger container, im using a 2gal. sence they've only been in flower for 2-3 weeks would it be ok to cut off those long stems,the ones that streched, bring them down to where it gets bushy. by the way thaks for the imput. ill be thinking of u guys when i smoke my home grown bud. that is if i get there.


Well-Known Member
did you not read my post


you could transplant yes but with flowering plants it could cause unwanted stress.

You really should have done more research before you started on this journey.



obviously i did alittle research or i wouldnt be this far.. there is just so much out there and everyones back and forth. i was reading for 2 months before i started. was it enough, prob not but every one has a first grow. im just tryin to get thru it so i can smoke. if i could get it i wouldnt try to grow it. but thaks for your help. not every 1 a pro grower like yourself.


Well-Known Member
im no pro i still consider myself and noob and still make mistakes.

But i combat it with unbelievable amounts of research.

I constantly research and i buy books and magazines about growing in general.

this is my advice to you.

Make sure of your temps at canopy level below 28C/82.4F now that you are in flowering ideally these should be no higher than 26C/78.8F
Give them a good flush preferably with some flush additive. CANNA is really good.
Then give them just water on the next one.
Then pick back up with a half strength feed then go water water feed like i already suggested.
Make sure everything going into them is around 6.5-6.8ph
Then you should make it to harvest.
Then before you start again competely test your growing environment for a few days make any necessary changes and then start again.



Well-Known Member
You still havent mentioned how far away your light is from the canopy. FYI, for your next grow, the light should always be <16inches away. It looks like yours was a few feet away from the stretching in the pictures.

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