Fresno County Bans all Cultivation of Medical Cannabis


Active Member

FRESNO COUNTY, CA — Despite objections from medical marijuana patients, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to ban all marijuana cultivation in the county’s unincorporated areas started in February.
Under the ban, residents will face fines of $1,000 per plant if caught growing illegally, plus additional fines of $100 per plant per day from the time of discovery until time of disposal.
Supervisors voted 5-0 in favor of the ban, which goes into effect in 30 days.
Medical marijuana advocates say the ban contradicts the will of the state’s voters, who authorized medical marijuana in 1996.
“You are speaking about a significant number of people who will be negatively affected,” says Joe Elford, a lawyer specializing in medical marijuana law. “It clearly goes against what California voters intended.”
Originally, the Fresno County Supervisors were attempting to impose a 12 plant limit on medical marijuana grows, but then decided to simply ban growing outright.
Fresno County had modeled its ordinance on one from Kern County that limits medical marijuana users to 12 plants, but took it a step further after officials learned that Live Oak, a city near Sacramento, banned cultivation outright.
Advocates say county officials are forcing medical marijuana patients to travel long distances to purchase their medicine under the ban.
As if Fresno didn't suck enough already. I'm putting my house up for sale and letting Madera County get the taxes.
Keep your house long enough to vote the pricks out. Dis them every chance you get in bars and coffee shops etc. Get all your buds in on the deal. Run a campaign against the pricks. Use other political causes along with the mj complaint so you can rally other voters that may not be interested in the mj problem. Get the dirt on 'em and polish the pricks off.
That's how we handle things in Canada. And no, it wouldn't bother me to start sh*t that will f*ck the local economy. F*ck 'em all to hell. All out war!!!
That's how we handle things in Canada. And no, it wouldn't bother me to start sh*t that will f*ck the local economy. F*ck 'em all to hell. All out war!!!

My god!! Ive never witnessed a Canadian with such anger.

I feel as if Ive seen everything now.

It really is a shame what it came down to. Everyone has valid points. It was getting out of hand violently in the smaller farm towns. My buddie is a sheriff deputy in fresno county and his whole first 3-4 months after academy has been next to nothing but marijuana complaints and random domestics. Hes told me about multiple shootings that just happen out in the open. Last one he told me about, they found a couple guys shot up in a car with a good amount of stolen marijuana. Broad daylight man. Good thing the city dwellers werent affected as well. That wouldve just been fucked up...but itll just be a matter of time Im sure. Either that or theyll hop on board with Colorado.
As if Fresno didn't suck enough already. I'm putting my house up for sale and letting Madera County get the taxes.

i was put on trial in madera co for felony cultivation charges in 1994 and before 215...
this was also before i understood the concept of a 'general intent crime' so i didnt understand that in such 'criminal' trials (cannabis cultivation being in that category) why you did what you did becomes (unless a judge explicitly rules other wise in pre trial deliberations etc) irrelevant and inadmissible and the only relevant questions become 'did you do it?' or 'did you have it?' etc...(lesson learned, always be a plaintiff if possible rather than a criminal defendant because basically the rules flip to the reverse and give you relevance when telling why your doing what your doing etc lol)
prob for me was that the whole reason i planted the 20,000 seeds was to intentionally go on trial in order to tell the jury why i did what i did lol so you can imagine what a pickle jar i had gotten myself into...
long story short i represented myself and even though for 5 days the judge kept 'shutting me down' and instructing the jury to 'disregard' what ever i had said i kept getting a sentence or two in here and there that 'put the skunk in the jury box' as they say...
because i had 'admitted to guilt' (was even on video tape and called the sheriff myself lol) the judge basically instructed the jury to convict...
the conservative madera co jury came back with a unanimous was a unique jury nullification case...
but you would never know what im about to tell you if you relied on norml's 'official' press releases about the trial/verdict etc...
which is that the 'skunk' i through in the jury box every chance i got was that we all have the self evident inherent human right to posses seeds and grow plants for our own use in effort to satisfy our needs to live...
my point is that we are in this mess imo do to our own negligence in that we have all along been framing this issue wrong or allowing it be framed wrong etc...
our corpsgov relishes in the fact that we help them keep the question away from human rights and only asked in terms of 'should weed be legalized/regulated' etc...
what if?
what if the nation question to the public jury was 'is possessing seeds and growing plants, 'any' plants (in effort to meet your own needs in order to 'live') your self evident inherent human right?
would things be different now?
its not to late to make this happen...
Did you even try to read the article?

I did indeed. It states this:

the Fresno County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to ban all marijuana cultivation in the county’s unincorporated areas started in February

One would assume that to make a statement such as that would indicate that there are also incorporated areas. But for clarification I have asked the simple question, is the entire county an unincorporated area, because that is where it is banned, not everywhere. That is what the article states, the one i didn't even try to read.

I did indeed. It states this:

One would assume that to make a statement such as that would indicate that there are also incorporated areas. But for clarification I have asked the simple question, is the entire county an unincorporated area, because that is where it is banned, not everywhere. That is what the article states, the one i didn't even try to read.

Knowing what I know of the Fresno area.. I am sure this is down due to low PD/Sherrif/Chp officers in the area to control all the legal/illegal HUGE farms that are in the unincorporated areas there..

would say that about 60% are not legal.. perhaps more...

no mention within city limits..


Fresno county
On January 7, 2014, Fresno County voted to ban all medical marijuana cultivation. Violations are misdemeanor crimes, with daily fines, after an abatement order is sent to the property owner with a 15 day notice, or an "immediate threat" is determined. Read the ordinance. CalNORML contacted county officials to let them know that we are challenging Live Oak's cultivation ban. Fresno county residents impacted by the ban are invited to write [email protected].
Knowing what I know of the Fresno area.. I am sure this is down due to low PD/Sherrif/Chp officers in the area to control all the legal/illegal HUGE farms that are in the unincorporated areas there..

would say that about 60% are not legal.. perhaps more...

no mention within city limits..


Fresno county
On January 7, 2014, Fresno County voted to ban all medical marijuana cultivation. Violations are misdemeanor crimes, with daily fines, after an abatement order is sent to the property owner with a 15 day notice, or an "immediate threat" is determined. Read the ordinance. CalNORML contacted county officials to let them know that we are challenging Live Oak's cultivation ban. Fresno county residents impacted by the ban are invited to write [email protected].

What i was thinking. More to do with out of the way places where there is less policing and people have been taking the piss.

As to the norml statement, follow the first link of the paragraph and it again states "in the county's unincorporated".
I did indeed. It states this:

One would assume that to make a statement such as that would indicate that there are also incorporated areas. But for clarification I have asked the simple question, is the entire county an unincorporated area, because that is where it is banned, not everywhere. That is what the article states, the one i didn't even try to read.

Whoops, I've misread. This was wrong on my part, so my apologies. There are only a few places in Fresno are unincorporated which are Calwa, Highway City, Muscatel, and Butler Park. There are also pocket of unincorporated area like in Rosevelt and other communities. You would need to use a local map and find where these pockets are to see if you fall in the incorporated and unincorporated areas in Fresno.
i thought the counties unincorporated areas refers to anywhere except for city limits for the city of fresno and clovis. these cities already have growing bans in effect
i thought the counties unincorporated areas refers to anywhere except for city limits for the city of fresno and clovis. these cities already have growing bans in effect

from what I read, while there is a ban in the city of fresno, it's just an outdoor ban. So hardly forcing people to drive miles as is always one of the argument against bans.

I have to say it, but pot heads are as bad at sensationalizing and misrepresenting events and realities as the people advocating it being illegal. Every site i've seen so far uses a headline along the lines of "all cultivation to be banned", it's pretty pathetic.
Local laws do not overrule state laws... When these local bans go to the Supreme court, they will lose.. Its only a matter of time..

The local officials could be hit with a class-action lawsuit as well..
Local laws do not overrule state laws... When these local bans go to the Supreme court, they will lose.. Its only a matter of time..

The local officials could be hit with a class-action lawsuit as well..

lol, yeah. when these laws go to the supreme court, they'll be overruled. WTF.

you know what the supreme court is right?