Fresh air intake for a new grow room


New Member

  • I plan to grow in a designated outdoor building, the research I've done shows a lower level intake for fresh air. Where I live it gets extremely cold (-40) So my question is do I need to "warm" the outside air prior to introducing it into the room and how would I do that? I plan to install in floor heating for the main heat and will not have a furnace to "warm" outside air. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you



Well-Known Member
I live where it is currently 32 degrees outside during the day. I pull air from outside and regulate it by fan and timer. If I run the fan continuously it gets down to 48 degrees at lights out. I use my 6 inch filter fan to create a vacuum. The fresh air enters through a 4 inch pipe at the opposite end of the room that is getting its air from outside through a filter. The fan turns on for 1 minute then off for 2 minutes then back on again. By adjusting the on-off times, I can regulate the temps.