Before reading any replies, here's what i've come up wit:
when you have a choice to make, you choose the one more appealing to your desires...
their's no reason to choose the less appealing choice...
you choose the choice that you think will give you something
based on your desire, and based on your motive's about the said decision, along with a Hopeful prediction in the you choose something due to you wanting to fulfill the desire, and wanting the outcome to benefit you in some get the outcome you desire. so desire has direct and complete influence on your decision making.
Free will is a slave to instinct and desire... so basically you decide on a choice based on your expectation of gaining something better than the other choice(s). you want soemthing more than the choice you don't choose, hoping it is the better choice...
Does any of this make sense?
Like if i think i have two choices i think this choice is better so i'm going to choose it, the other choice is not going to be chosen at all, even though I have the opportunity to choose it.