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what is your "Hate Crime" mindset? (private poll)

  • hate crime legislation provides more protection against already illegal acts.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • hate crime legislation is useless.

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • it's harmful by protecting specific groups, clogs judicial system, encroaches on free speech.

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
scheduled for tomorrow, the U.S. house will vote on a bill called the "Hate Crimes Act".

assault is already illegal, even verbal assault. making terroristic threats is illegal. killing is illegal.

i've always been opposed to any law that goes on top of other laws and so hate crimes are - to me - nothing but politics. im a simple guy so these laws are like writing the simple math statement 1+1=2 like this: (1+49/10)*.2+{((-2+3)^10)^100/1}=2

it's a form of pandering mastered by the left. if you can placate the hard-core minority they will put effort into showing their less hard core friends how much they benefit from whatever pandering you just stooped to. those friends will go on to try and win over their even less hard-core friends until it finally reaches deaf ears. it's the ripple effect. social manipulation. feel-good mechanics 101.

put simply, this Hate Crimes Act will make it criminal for you to describe things in a certain way with your _words_. for example, if i say; "i can't understand what would make a man want to be with another man - that's disgusting to me." that would be a hate crime. if i say; "screwing goats is inhumanly repulsive and unacceptable", hate crime. "people who get off on dead corpses are seriously disturbed", hate crime again. Christian preachers could be prosecuted for hate crimes by conveying God's words - but remember: there is no WAR against Christianity.

as the left attempts to wrangle their most radical "stewards" into voting for them in '08 they produce a huge volume of useless pandering legislation - the pork laden war spending bill is a great example. they knew a long time ago it wouldn't make it through but in order to properly pander they had to make a big show of it. they even ADDED pork to it once they knew for sure it was already so over the top that it couldn't get passed. this way they create "martyr" legislation to do micro-pandering with later on. this helps them galvanize their "herd" of ballot casting robots before an election cycle.

is it just me or is this anti-speech thing absurd even for the democrats?

it's one thing to say, "i'm going to destroy civilization for my helpless god and your streets will run red with blood" but it's another thing for me to say, "child molesters should be castrated", isn't it?

hate is an emotion, a bad emotion that is poisonous to the soul of anyone who experiences it but is it a crime? if it's criminal to hate, what about love? will there be a day when loving something or someone "too much" could be prosecuted? from my perspective, we are well on our way. again, the tree is wilting, leaves are starting to fall and no one is paying attention.



New Member
Crimes against hate are crimes against thought. Like I've said before ... Orwell was correct in his message, only the date was off.



New Member
i am speechless. probably a good thing too if that gets passed.

what a mockery of human intelligence and dignity. use laws to invade peoples thoughts. now they're abolishing free speech?!?!?

the problem with america is they have forgotten what it is the founding fathers meant for a nation. freedom to live without the goverment involved in you life.

there are those who wish the government involved in EVERY aspect of our lives. this is exactly what the framers of the constitution fought against.