Free seed grow messed up pretty bad please help

i have one plant out of two that is still growing. It was in a bag of free seeds that came with purchase of lowryder 2 seeds that I've already grown. So I don't know what strain it is. I have it in a blacked out five gallon bucket with about 5 26w cfl bulbs and a air injection air stone from ebay circulation from a box fan temps stay between 75-80 humidity around 30-40%. I have tried upping the nutes and dropping them with no success. Try and be gental I know I'm a beginner.



Well-Known Member
Ok. Need more info than this though to help you out. So what is your current PH reading if you are in Hydro bubble buckets? What is the temperature of the water in the bucket? What nutrient line are using and the current amount per gallon?

You have a nutrient lockout as the leaves are drying out.