Free Medical Ganjas!!!


Well-Known Member
this is to see how many would be interested to know about how medicinal users can get free pot all year long? What would you be willing to do? Would you be willing to volunteer time, maybe some land if you have it, start up funds? And everything is proven to you to be legit? M.A.S.S.E.S. has a fairly easily attainable goal of supplying free medicinal Cannabis to its legitimate Medical Marijuana Patients. This would start out only in Cali. This is happening for real, it has happened before, but this will be somewhat different in design!


Well-Known Member
some rough requirements: measured doses, qualifying income, contract including not selling the free meds, full validated and verified paperwork... some other things can't think of quite yet, oh yeah, member of MASSES Medicinal Uses Association.

Growers: Must be either caregivers/medicinal patients and/or willing to go through the screening process (fungus checks, grow equipment check etc.) have adequate space, be willing to accept just strait across donating the medicine, allow grow op participants to visit garden occasionally and tend/check on plants if they can.

I am sure that you can understand how quickly this would blow up. There must be an adequate supply to do this that is perpetual and has quality in medicinal terms. Only potential growers and organizers really have a part in it now. The whole thing would have to be a state supported program. Lots and lots of details to work out. But, if you are a potential grower or organizer, feel free to contact me...


New Member
Ca would be the only place that something like this could work..........Anywhere,any other time won't work.Too much GREED running through people.


Well-Known Member
then its as simple as.... you won't be part of the program.... Looks like you already paid for the equipment, and get great things out of it, and you are already spending your time doing it, and your not really going to be able to smoke everything you harvest, so, might as well, unless your making money in other ways, that I would appreciate we don't even talk about that here...


Well-Known Member
sounds funny i get 2500 per pound from my med place. i dont think i would want peopl i didn`t know coming and going from my home. sounds like a funny set up.
who do you work for?


Well-Known Member
lol, its not like 100 people would come through your place everyday, or even every week. Basically, what I have in mind, is before every crop, the equipment and materials and plants get checked, and then again at the end right before harvest (that way there is a little assurance of quality etc.). If you like, you may have the patients that are going to be benefiting from it come see, and they will show you appreciation as well, thats all, you wouldn't be Required to let patients come scope your grow room or outdoor spot, more like, if you maybe already know them personally, and want to donate one plant in particular to them, you could, and they could even show up to take care of it. When it comes down to it, whether you lease, rent, or own, thats your place, and no one has rights to it but you, there is nothing wrong with saying no.

You pay 2500 Bonz, or get paid 2500?

This stuff isn't going to go out by the pound at all. The largest doses that I could see going out is probably 1/4 oz, and only to patience that really need that much. There would be daily drop off and pick up points, so no home delivery, and no set "shop location" to get busted. Of course there would be like an HQ that would hold all the necessary paperwork, but no meds would be kept there, and only certain administrative staff would know where it was at. The place to watch out for greed then, would be the regular employees, if they are not patience themselves, they may even be drug tested (to keep the whole op legit). Amounts going out are weighed, patience sign to show they recieved the meds, and amounts coming in at the end of the day get weighed, employees that come up short get "fired" and/or prosecuted depending on the reason. There would also be a good amount of survelience,and a reward system for those employees that catch thieves etc. and bring them forward.

Yeah this thing is definitely going to have to start small. But it will get so huge so fast.... thats why all the prep is necessary....


Well-Known Member
why would i pay someone for me to grow. no i said i get paid and lots of others do to.
you dont make sense, you say you dont want to get busted but then you sday youy will prosecute emoployees. how do you do that with an illegal service?

100 people coming to my place to look, hell i wouldn`t want 1 person comi8ng over if i didn`t know them

no offence but it sounds fishy. i deal with both our med distributers here in vancouver and yours sounds more like a home drug dealing bussuines.
i mat be wrong but just want people to do thier reasearch before they get involved


Well-Known Member
you obviously have No idea what you are writing about! You need to read the entire thread over, and if you still don't completely understand what I am talking about, please don't post on this thread anymore.
Bonz, you pay plenty of people so you can grow, maybe you just don't even realize it.
If you read my post you would know it clearly says that 100 people will NOT be going to your spot.
You have angered/offended me in calling this a "home drug dealing business", and made yourself look pretty bad too. Because the whole point is to: NOT SELL IT, JUST GIVE IT AWAY, and therefore MAKE NO MONEY off of it.
You are wrong! I have done my research, and obviously know a hell of a lot more about it then you do.
Yeah, you get paid.... don't post about it here. Prosecuting employees for STEALING! man, if you could, you would too. The service would be legal numbskull.... just please don't post in this thread again, how about that?


Well-Known Member
i apologize. the way i read it was that you wanted liscenced growers to grow for you and you sell it.
giving it away is great. i just dont understand why not have a location to distribute it.
i didn`t mean to offend you it just sounded funny about the home delivery and everything being hush hush kind of. how can you say i know nothing when you dont know me.
just wanted to apologize and wont post here anymore dont worry


New Member
You do not make any since,You say one thing and mean another.My take on this is you are not sure about anything and want some guidance.That is fine and dandy,Just ask and stop pretending like you know what you are after.I have seen many different concepts with many unattended outcomes.Try visiting someone that is doing what you would like to do.Learn from those that have already been through it.
Be well. Be safe.Herbologist :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
In what way have I said something and meant another? I just read the entire thread, and don't see that anywhere. Bonz got confused about what this thread is about, as you can see from his last post, all I did was explain things a bit. I know what I am after. I don't want to do this just like it has been done before. This will take a couple years of good planning and growing to get up and running. Advice is always welcome, I doubt there are many (if any) on this website that could offer experienced guidance on the subject.


Well-Known Member
here is one contradiction.

allow grow op participants to visit garden occasionally and tend/check on plants if they can.

then you told mr they wouldn`t come over?

your rules are obviously different than here because any liscenced grower can be designated to grow for another liscecedn for possesion person with a simple form. this sounds like alot of work your going through. can you guys down there not just do it that way.


Well-Known Member
dude we totally need to get on this. This has been a goal of mine now that I feel better.
When I had cancer it sucked. I didn't have a grow setup, I couldn't afford to smoke like a half oz a day like I liked, and I was too sick to work. It sucked. I wanted to harvest then go back to the oncology clinic and strike up a conversation with the people that speak english. You know talk to them for a bit then just put the med weed thing in there. Then if they say they use it be like, here and give em a dank quarter and tell them to call you. Hook em up for free and all. Chemo is one of the worst experiences I have ever had and not having bud make it way way worse. If you are sick you should def. get free bud.


Well-Known Member
im a med patient and will dedicate a few plants or spare room or money. what ever it takes.. as long as its some grade A