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Since 1983, acclaimed international cannabis cultivation writer Jorge Cervantes has sold over 500,000 copies of his book Indoor Marijuana Horticulture, while contributing common sense advice about marijuana growing to dozens of publications including a monthly Q+A column in HIGH TIMES. Now, for the first time, the world's ultimate ganja guide brings his expertise to an instructional DVD-taking you step-by-step from seeds and clones to harvest in high style.
Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow DVD features all the information a beginner needs to get started plus advanced techniques guaranteed to greatly increase the yield of any garden. Remember, the weed you grow will be your own!

ultimate grow part 2
High Times Presents Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow DVD 2: Hydroponic Marijuana Indoors & Organic Marijuana Outdoors
On his first DVD international ganja guide Jorge Cervantes taught you everything you need to know to go from seed to harvest. This time, the best-selling author of Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible takes you on a garden tour of his home country, Spain. You'll grow indoors, outdoors, hydroponically---and even plant a guerilla garden hidden deep in the Spanish countryside. Filled with the common-sense advice found in his monthly column in HIGH TIMES, Jorge's newest effort clearly explains how experts and beginners alike can get started, get growing and yield huge amounts of marijuana---no matter where you are or how you're growing.

Hosted by the mysterious Mr. Green, this in-depth documentary takes a candid look at the raising and harvesting of the hemp plant in North America. Step by step, Mr. Green takes the viewer through the process of planning and building an indoor hemp




and here are some books

With 512 full color pages and 1120 full color photographs and illustrations, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible is the most complete cultivation book available. The Fifth Edition of the former Indoor Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor Bible was originally published in 1983, when it immediately became a best seller. More than 500,000 copies of the Indoor Bible are in print in Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish.
New greenhouse and outdoor growing chapters make this a book both indoor and outdoor growers will keep under thumb. The other 15 chapters (17 total) are all updated with the most current information, completely rewritten and significantly expanded. For example, Dr. John McPartland contributed an all new medical section - The books credits list more than 300 contributors and reads like a who's who in the world of cannabis cultivation.

Soma has become synonymous with a mindful approach to cannabis gardening and an earth-friendly lifestyle. Soma's varieties of marijuana are considered legendary and have been big winners at the most reputable harvest festivals of Europe. Now for the first time, he shares the philosophy and methods that distinguish him as a world-class breeder of cannabis in one concise volume. Essays include detailed advice on organic approaches to growing the plant and address the specific needs of sophisticated connoisseurs and enthusiasts. Two full-color sections of Somas lush photography reveal the colorful beauty and range of the cannabis plant. Perfectly suited to the home grower, Somas advice is inspiring and informative, emphasizing the sublime qualities of marijuanas flavor and effects when grown in optimal conditions.

This practical, informative guide is packed with more than 700 full-color illustrations and photographs detailing more than 150 affordable marijuana grow setups. Become an expert on grow rooms, feminized seeds, seedlings, cloning, mother plants, singling out male and female plants early, peak sinsemilla harvest, as well as manicuring, drying and curing your crop for highest potency. Buy only the grow gear you need hydroponics and soil, lights, CO2, meters, fans and filters to maximize your harvest. Design and set up your grow room with supplies from your local hardware store and garden center. Plus troubleshoot problems and control common pests and diseases!

Are you sick of buying overpriced, inconsistent weed from your local connection?
If you would like to learn the revolutionary easy system that'll teach you how to grow marijuana like a pro virtually overnight so that you too can have and toke the BEST Cannabis strains on Earth practically for FREE, than you'll probably want to read on...


Marihuana en Exterior - Cultivo De Guerrilla es la fuente de información más completa y actual sobre el cultivo clandestino de cannabis. Jorge Cervantes ha viajado por América, Europa y Australia para aprender como se cultiva la mejor marihuana del mundo y trasladar estas técnicas a sus libros. Tantos los cultivadores expertos como los novatos apreciarán sus útiles consejos prácticos extraidos de la experiencia de los mejores cultivadores. Cervantes hace un recorrido por cinco climas distintos y explica en un lenguaje fácil y comprensible cómo sacar el mejor partido a la cosecha.

Cannabis, Manual de Cultivo para el autoconsumo. A.R.S.E.C., colección Amanda. 226 páginas.
Lejos de difundir o fomentar usos, consumos ni aficiones, nuestra asociación debe su existencia a la voluntad de responder objetiva y verazmente a todas las preguntas que pueden formularse sobre el cannabis: bondades, menos bondades y utilidades.
Pretendemos con este manual de cultivo solucionar el principal problema del consumidor: cómo conseguir una cosa cuyo tráfico está prohibido, demostrando además cuán fácil sería darle un zarpazo considerable al tráfico ilícito generador de males sociales de tal magnitud que ponen en peligro las propias estructuras estatales de algunos paises y embrutecen la economía mundial. Cada consumidor de cannabis puede fácilmente autoabastecerse, en su propio domicilio y sin probables ni, en todo caso, excesivos riesgos jurídicos.
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