Free Dvd - Contest -

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Fee DVD of your choice..

just beat my time

10 dead lifts @ 135lbs
10 push ups

10 rounds

time to beat - 9:54

Shoot the video of your workout.. you can shoot it without your face (far away or clever angle) ...

email me the video or post it on youtube or similar site...

and WIN a DVD of your choice..

dvd choices at See More Buds - Grow Marijuana DVD


Well-Known Member
At first I thought this was a brilliant ploy. I don't imagine that many of the stoners on this board (even if they were physically fit) would even attempt this, but it gets a little talk of the DVDs going. It looks like a respectable time for that task; but if browndirtwarrior gets in on this, you might find yourself knee deep in humble pie.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
LOL... yes i know my time is beatable... it was my first attempt...

This morning i did

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

9 rounds in 10:30

NOT a GREAT time but good for a first attempt :)

Please have the DIRT WARRIOR humble me... :)



Well-Known Member
Where is the contest for sitting on my fat ass gettin' smokey for ten rounds? I'll enter that one! Oh wait - i think i already did.


Active Member
wow i want to try this, but i would probably fuck up my back with all those dead lifts. what if i did hyperextensions holding a 45lb plate instead of dead lifts? would that still count?


Well-Known Member
Yea Im not even gonna try, as much as Id like to I would probably drop dead lol....
Sweet idea for a contest though, gotta do more creative contests like this!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I have seen some 5 minute scores on this work out.... I stopped 5 (for about 5 - 20 seconds) times and I had to break up the DEAD LIFTS in the 6th round...


Well-Known Member
im in good shape but that contest is retarded. how bout max bench or 5K times? how about exercise post-smoking. its a rollitup themed contest


Well-Known Member
yea...really GK...let's getting really freakin serious ok....hahahahaha jk....I love this...:blsmoke:
Where is the contest for sitting on my fat ass gettin' smokey for ten rounds? I'll enter that one! Oh wait - i think i already did.


Sector 5 Moderator
im in good shape but that contest is retarded. how bout max bench or 5K times? how about exercise post-smoking. its a rollitup themed contest
His contest, his rules. He's giving the prize. Personally I think it's a great contest; it might get someone to actually exercising and like Martha Stewart says "it's a good thing". Deadlifts with 135lbs, 10 reps, plus the rest of the exercises builds lung capacity and muscle tone. Doing max builds mass. excuse me while I do another 15 one-handed push ups.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
when is the deadline on this contest?

no dead line.. whomever can do it faster than me... wins maybe there will be 2 winners.. LOL

2 days ago I did

3 reps with 250lbs (regular grip NOT split grip)
20 double unders (jumping rope while passing the rope under your feet twice)

10 rounds

I am still sore 2 days later....

In a couple days I will do this workout and have a friend video tape it..
I think I can do it faster this time :)


BTW - i weigh about 150lbs