Learn The Truth About CBD At The Virtual Cannabis Health Summit

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been in the news a lot lately, and for good reason. CBD has proven to be very effective in helping treat a lot of different conditions. The one that is in the news a lot is epilepsy, but CBD is good for a lot of things. Because of increased media coverage, the interest in CBD has grown significantly in recent years. But with that increased interest there has also been an increase in misleading information about CBD, and a huge industry built around junky CBD products that are made with very bad ingredients from overseas.
I get contacted almost every day by someone who wants to know more about CBD after hearing about it on the news. They hear that it’s a miracle drug that can cure all kinds of things, and they often follow it up with asking if ‘fill in the blank’ CBD product that they saw online will work. I am always quick to say that I’m by no means a doctor, but if it’s a CBD product that can be purchased over the internet, it’s likely no more beneficial than snake oil, and could even be harmful depending on what is in it.
What CBD can do and can’t do is hard to determine when you don’t know a lot about science and medicine. That’s why I always tell people to seek out expert advice and opinions, so that they are more informed as to what to expect out of a CBD-treatment regimen. Not all CBD strains and products are created equal, and it’s important to know what strain and method of consumption works best for particular situations. It’s also important to know about the ‘entourage effect’ when it comes to CBD, and why whole plant CBD treatment is what you want to be doing.
My stepdad is battling cancer, and I’m going to watch the upcoming Virtual Cannabis Health Summit with him so that he can learn more about CBD. We have researched it quite a bit already, but the Virtual Cannabis Health Summit is going to be covering the topic, and features some of the best minds in the medical marijuana world. More speakers are being added leading up to the event, but below is a list of who will be giving ‘Ted Talk style presentations’ at the FREE online event:
Steve DeAngelo – Harborside Health Center
Uwe Blesching – Cannabis Health Index
Donald Land PhD – Steep Hill Labs
Dr. Gregory Smith – Medical Cannabis For Health Care Providers
Dr. Dustin Sulak – Healer.com
Joel Stanley – CW Botanicals
Heather Jackson – Realm Of Caring
Dr. Jordan Tishler – Inhale MD
Mary Lynn Mathre – Patients Out Of Time
Dr. Sunil Aggarwal – Physician-Scientist
Mara Gordon – Aunt Zelda’s
Dr. Bonni Goldstein – Canna-Centers
Alison Ettel – Treat Well
Nurse Heather – Cannabis Nurses
Deborah Malka – MD, PHD
Bryan Krumm, CNP – PTSD Expert
Martin Lee – Project CBD
Constance Finley – Constance Theraputics
From what I understand, there is going to be some discussion about cannabis for pets, and that will no doubt include specific information about CBD. CBD for pets absolutely fascinates me, and is going to be a big part of the cannabis world’s future. All you have to do to sign up for the Virtual Cannabis Health Summit is
click this link, and enter in your e-mail address. That’s it !