This was my first grow attempt. It was hidden in plain sight. I could look out my back door and see my girl. It was really neat watching the whole growth process. It dropped to 40 here the other night so I figure by the end of the month frost would be here, so she only had a couple more weeks anyway, but I really wished. She was 6 ft, and full of buds like in the picture. It rained and was very windy the other night. You can imagine how my heart felt when the next morning I looked out the door and there was this wide open hole where my girl once stood. My first thought was some fucker....ran over to the spot and there she lay, snapped in half. Couldn't handle the weight of the water and wind. I laid the rake in there so you can see her wing span. There are still 4 nice branches there that are totally out of sight now, so they will for sure get 3 more weeks, if not more because I can cover them. Still cleaning all those buds and the curing process so I have no clue as to quality YET.