Freaking Out! Advice Please!

dr. gonzo

Active Member
K I'm freaking out a little bit here. I went to school today and came back and my front door was locked (I never lock my front door..) And the downstairs lights where my operation is were turned on. The lights in the rec room not the ones in the grow room (they were turned off when I left for school). Anyway I live in a townhouse that I rent and I'm quite sure the repair man or the landlord came in to change the furnace filter or check the fire detectors or something, and they saw my shit, I didn't have it hidden very well, stupid I know and even stupider was I had (3) three and a half foot tall male plants just sitting out in the rec room (just removed them from the growroom and was planning on cutting them down and garbaging them tonight..) Anyway i'm pretty sure someone has seen stuff that could get me in trouble and I'm afraid they are going to go to the cops. Does anyone have any advice for me? Should I dismantle everything and cut my females down? How long does it take to get a search warrant? I should mention that I live in Canada so legally I think (I don't Know) that I will more than likely get a slap on the wrist...I know this is the wrong section to post this type of thing in but I need advice quick. My room mate the guy I was doing this with has washed his hands, when I told him I thought something was up his response was "lease isn't in my name I'm not worried" so I discovered I have a pretty shitty friend tonight too. Not a good day, somebody...


Well-Known Member
i dont think anyone can say anything to ease your pain.

usually they need to ask for access. this doesnt always happen

dr. gonzo

Active Member
I was thinking I might wait till I go in to pay my rent tomorrow and see if the land lord says anything..I've put in so much time and work on these things it would be sad to just cut them down. But it would probably be better to have everything out regardless of what a witness may have seen right? Somebody tell me what to do I'm fucking scatterbrained as fuck.


Well-Known Member
no one can give you better advice then yourself. you might get the silent treatment. i have seen people get evicited.

what can we say?


Well-Known Member
It takes less than 15 min to get a search warrant. Just call up a judge, if he says yes, the cops are in.

As far as the rest of it goes, if you can't trust your partner (which I don't think you can any more), there isn't really any reason to continue. You'll only get into more trouble from here on out. If the landlord saw, I doubt he'll let it slide, either by calling the cops or by evicting you. If the landlord didn't see, you're still in cohoots with a shitty roomate, and this sort of thing doesn't accept shitty business partners.

Ditch the plants .... holding on to them isn't worth a record.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Thanks you guys for replying I'm gonna cut em down tonight I realize I was reaching out to the internet, pretty pathetic and desperate but I guess thats what I am. I can tell you guys are kind hearted people, thank you.


Junior Creatologist
dpending on how long you have until your harvest, i would say dont cut them down just yet. If somebody saw, and they decide to call the cops on you, the cops have to set up some type of surviellance, and have to be able to prove that whoever called the cops on you aint just some pissed off neighbor trying to get you in trouble cuz you fucked his daughter. This could take anywhere from 2 weeks, to 3 months depending on how obvious you are. If the cops come to your house and just knock on the door, obviously they dont have a search warrant, so just dont open the door, and talk to them through the door, lol. This is of course America im talkin about, so Canadian rule may differ. This is also only from my own personal experience with my friends and my old dealers. The city i live in is pretty fuckin bad, and there are raids on people i know every couple months at least, so they know the ins and outs of what it takes for somebody to be legally able to bust into your crib. I wouldnt chop just yet man, not until you know for sure somethin is up. Your landlord may end up being cool, n try to extort you instead of callin the cops, lol. I mean, if someone came into your unlocked house, saw what was goin on, and then had the decency to lock up after themselves to make sure that nobody else came in, lol, you never know, they might want you to finish up your shit (LOL) !! .

N i aint callin u dumb by any means dude, dont get me wrong, but is it possible that you just overbaked this morning and forgot to shut off the recroom lights??? just a thought man, i wouldnt wanna see you lose your crop over pot paranoia...


Well-Known Member
Very bad advice. All of the above is true if you own your house. He rents. The cops don't need to set up survailance to make sure the tip is legit. The landlord can call the cops and walk them into the house. Then you are fucked for real. More than likely your rental agreement has a stipulation that if you do something illegal the agreement is invalidated, wich means that it's no longer your place, it's the landlords. The landlord can consent to a search by the police. Ditch the plants now.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
@ dmoneysaver: ??

Thank you for taking the time to reply guys I really appreciate it. I chopped em, got everything in garbage bags and i'm currently taking the room apart that we constructed out of plywood. My so called friend left and went to his moms house I assume. I'm gonna take the equipment (light, ballast, fans...) to a friends house I think and see if I can find someone with a truck to take everything to a dumpster far away from where I live. Thank you again.


Well-Known Member
@ dmoneysaver: ??

Thank you for taking the time to reply guys I really appreciate it. I chopped em, got everything in garbage bags and i'm currently taking the room apart that we constructed out of plywood. My so called friend left and went to his moms house I assume. I'm gonna take the equipment (light, ballast, fans...) to a friends house I think and see if I can find someone with a truck to take everything to a dumpster far away from where I live. Thank you again.
there is always another day

i once stopped for 13 years

shit... i meant growin not smoking :)


Well-Known Member
Good shite. Glad you have a brain. Your site was compromised. Break camp. Immediately. You did the right thing in moving the equipment elsewhere. Hopefully you disposed of the weed out in the dam woods, dump it out of the bag and then dump the bag elsewhere. Just don't leave a bag of weed with your prints on it.

Now, where you made the biggest mistake was trying to grow in that situation in the first place. Never grow with someone you wouldn't trust your life with. Never grow at a site that you don't try to increase the security... ie; double lock that shite whenever you leave and change the locks so that the landlord/maintenance guy could never do this to begin with.

Make sure you do some reading about the SECURITY of a grow op before you ever try this crap again bro. Even when you do everything Right, the shite can hit the fan. So if you're doing everything half-arse then you're just begging to get popped.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Ya I have a tendency to do things half-assed in my life I guess, real bad habit, but thanks for the support/advice this has definately been a learning experience. I'm mostly just worried about getting evicted now, I have finals coming up next month, hopefully karma is on my side right now. I'm not religious but i'm gonna fucking pray it is.


Well-Known Member
Good shite. Glad you have a brain. Your site was compromised. Break camp. Immediately. You did the right thing in moving the equipment elsewhere. Hopefully you disposed of the weed out in the dam woods, dump it out of the bag and then dump the bag elsewhere. Just don't leave a bag of weed with your prints on it.

Now, where you made the biggest mistake was trying to grow in that situation in the first place. Never grow with someone you wouldn't trust your life with. Never grow at a site that you don't try to increase the security... ie; double lock that shite whenever you leave and change the locks so that the landlord/maintenance guy could never do this to begin with.

Make sure you do some reading about the SECURITY of a grow op before you ever try this crap again bro. Even when you do everything Right, the shite can hit the fan. So if you're doing everything half-arse then you're just begging to get popped.
I'd totally agree with most of this. The only thing I'd pick up against, is the whole locks thing. Check your rental agreement, most of the time they don't want you to change the locks. But you can make sure that they have to give you at least 24-48 hours notice before they come in. That's kinda standard.

I hate to sound mean, but at least you learned from it, and as of right now you have no legal consequences.

Just hope that if the landlord comes back, there are no plants, so you can just pretend it never happened. Here's hoping it doesn't get worse from here on out.