Fox Farm schedule great for sativas but auto flowers getting bud rot


New Member
Hello all!
I'm brand new to this site and to posting anything on one of these forums for that matter. Not really sure which forum is the best for growing but whatever... I've been using much of the Fox Farm line, from the big 3 (BB, GB, TB), to Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching. I use it almost exactly as they recommend and have had great results! growing mostly sativas/hybrids with a few autos thrown in. Growing in a greenhouse but due to the sativas getting too big I've had to move some outdoors. I'm now into week 3 of flower and switching more than half of them from OS to BB, while steady on with the big 3... the only issues I've had is that they are all so big that some have hit the roof!! luckily I have the room to move them around and put a few outside. Not a bad problem to have. the majority of my crop are all feminized sativas/hybrids and they are doing great. My one issue is with the autos and this has happened now to every auto I've grown this year (8 autos, 4 already harvested), and that's that they've developed bud rot. I harvested the ones in the first crop due to BR a month ago and just today I cut off a number of buds on the second crop that had beginning signs of it... they are all tiny spots of rot but it kinda freaks me out. Did I get bad seeds? is it bad genetics? are they better under lights? All the autos are all outside now and set well apart from the rest as I don't want to infect the others. I thought the BR might be due to the humidity in the GH, but I've got 6 fans going 24/7 in there and the humidity is not bad. The sativas love it!!! any thoughts? I probably won't do autos in the GH ever again... that said at the beginning of August I put in the rest of my autos just to see if I could get a 4th crop this summer, last pic...IMG_0501.jpegIMG_0498.jpegIMG_0512.JPGIMG_0511.JPGIMG_0510.JPGIMG_0513.JPGIMG_0514.JPG