Fox farm nutes potash def...i think

i'm currently growing one gdp in an ebb and flow under a 600 hps. i have about 3 weeks of flowering left and over the last week or so my baby has started to go downhill. last night she completely fit the desc. for potash def. or lock up. i have had her on a flush for the last 24 hrs just to make sure she is ok. i have been following the foxfarm feeding schedule and started giving her the grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, and cha ching. i'm wondering if i should go back to giving her the beastie blooms since it has more potash or just stick with the feeding program. any ideas? camera is charging so that is why i have no pics.


Well-Known Member
Hey, its hard to know right now, but a few quick things to note
Commom around the 4 week to see def. Remeber to run your PPM lower, if so, probably not a lock up.. More likey a def. When you add a bounch of bloom boster you create a mess in your raitios of NPK. Make sure you adjust your feed program-esspecialy in hydroponics.
In all cases, u want more phouphours than potassium- so to make up your potassium loose add some carbs, because potassium is also repsonsable for oil production etc.
I would stick with your NPK-normal feed program and light'n up on your boosters right now you have one week left to apply it-maybe dont lesson to me.
Some pics would def be the answer to the problem.